Story Power Blog

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[Must See] Priceless Wisdom From 2 Marketing Legends

Must See TV! This happened on Monday… Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham — two of the all-time great marketers on Planet Earth… …side-by-side, talking about their craft… …for more than two hours. I watched most of it live. I’ve watched the entire replay once. I’ll watch it again and again and again and… until they…


Smart Marketing for a Dumb Watch

Melissa walked past my desk last week, looked over my shoulder, and saw this: “You have seven thousand and forty-eight emails in your inbox?” she asked.  “Yep,” I said. “But zero are marked ‘unread.’” (Which, by the way, is not the same as saying, “I’ve READ all 7,048 emails!”) Welcome to my world of digital…


Have You Felt This Way…?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said or thought any of the following… “I’m not sure how to clone myself to grow the business, but I know it’s essential for our success.” “I have so much on my plate, I can never get done what I really want to get done, and it feels overwhelming.”…

business doctor

A Dreaded Biz Diz-ease — and How to Cure It

I read yesterday about a business owner with DIY Diz-ease. It’s a dreaded, yet common condition that afflicts many business owners — including little ol’ me. George Sotiropoulos describes one of the afflicted in his book: “Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore:” I have a client who did their own accounts on QuickBooks to save the fee to…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.07.22

Recommended Listenting 🎤 James Rhee: The Power of Kindness in Business w/ Guy Kawasaki Guy Kawasaki has a great podcast called “Remarkable People.” I recommend the episode with James Rhee. From the show notes: James Rhee is “a former high school teacher turned private equity investor and author of the book “Red Helicopter.” James shares his…


Weekend Plans

My college pal Meredith occasionally posts her “Weekend Plans” on Facebook on Fridays. Funny memes. Weird old photos. Old ads. Like this: Or this… Alas, I don’t have lard in the cupboard… …and decapitation ain’t my thing… …so I have other weekend plans. Melissa, crazy-doodle Moose, and I will head to our country place in…


This May be My Least Favorite Holiday. Here’s Why…

Today is “Get to Know Your Customers Day.” My reaction: Bah! Humbug! Don’t get me wrong. I think getting to know your customers is a GREAT idea — if you want to assemble captivating client-attracting content with greater ease. But this is a dumb holiday. Here’s why: **Getting to know your customers (and prospects) should…


💩 I Bark and Growl at This Poopy Advice…

My client Dr. Deb Carlin loves her GoldenDoodle, Lady Hazel, whom she mentions often in her social posts. But some nosy know-it-alls think all that dog-talk is unprofessional. From one of Deb’s Facebook posts this week: “Some… have advised me to tame things a bit and stop overloading my posts with (Lady Hazel)… not good for my…


“Email Doesn’t Work” and Other Conspiracy Theories

I didn’t sleep well on Sunday. The news out of Pennsylvania spooked me. But the thing that spooked me most and left me sleepless: All the social media chatter that followed. I made the mistake of getting sucked in. Speculation piled on top of speculation piled on top of speculation. One uninformed person after another…

jeremy slate

RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.07.15

Recommended Resource 📹Fathom – AI Notetaker I used to use to transcribe and summarize Zoom and other online meetings. No more. Fathom is better! It records the meeting (and saves the video), generates a very accurate transcript, and summarizes the meetings in different ways — depending on the type of meeting it is. I’ve…


Storytelling’s Power — Beyond Marketing

Last week I posted a video on social media about completing the final draft of my upcoming book. In case you missed it, you can see the video here: LinkedIn or Facebook. If you comment and say, “Put me on the list,” I’ll send you a .pdf copy before the book appears on Amazon. My high school pal,…


“I Have Found a System that I Know Will Work…”

If you were on the fence about attending my “Proven P.L.A.N.” masterclass today, here’s a story that might motivate you to join us… I had a good day yesterday. One of those “This is why I get out of bed and go to my office” kind of days. It started when one of my clients sent me…


Good Fortune Has Nothing to Do With This…

Legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz said he never suffered from writer’s block. Never ever. Some may explain that by saying, “He had a ‘gift.’” or “He was a genius.” or “He had the good fortune to be born with what it takes.” But none of that explains how Eugene Schwartz avoided writer’s block. Good fortune has…


A Profit-crushing Mistake and How to Avoid It

Ripped from the bowels of my SPAM folder… Behold this message from a guy named “Steve.” It serves as a cautionary tale for you… …IF you wish to stand out and be hired — rather than be overlooked and ignored. Steve writes: Tom, I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to touch base following my…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.07.08

Recommended Masterclass  The Proven P.L.A.N. to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content — Without Writer’s Block I’m hosting this one on Thursday, July 11 (3 p.m. ET, 12 p.m. PT). I’ll reveal the proven, simple, 4-part system — The P.L.A.N. Framework — to create content quickly and easily, without getting stuck. This is a brand new masterclass…


How to Succeed in Business (And Hot Dog Eating Contests)

Of course, nothing says “Independence Day” in the USA more than shoving an obscene number of hot dogs and buns down your throat as quickly as possible. God bless America and… …Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest. Here’s the video in case you missed it (you’re welcome )… After blazing record-setting trails across the competitive…


A Reminder to Strive

It’s July 4. Independence Day in America. The nation’s 248th birthday. Before I enjoy pool parties, fireworks, and hot dog eating contests, I reflect on the “Founding Fathers” (and so many unnamed Founding Mothers who supported them) and I celebrate… …their vision, commitment, and courage. Melissa and I visited Philadelphia last year and went to…


A Prescription to Get Unstuck…

Yesterday, I met a marketing master who is stuck. He churns out profit-generating webinars and products in a blink. Every piece of his marketing machine zooms ahead like a finely tuned Maserati… …except his emails… …which sputter like a tired, old jalopy. Hard to start. Unexpected breakdowns. Journeys that take hours, instead of minutes. No…


Make Time for Renaissance Time

It was a dark and stormy night. Really, it was… …way back on this day — July 2 — in 1505. A young fella named Martin Luther got caught in a violent storm. He was so awed by God’s thunderous wrath… …he decided to become a monk… …right there and then… …on that stormy night.…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.07.01

Recommended Video  The Declaration of Independence | Benjamin Franklin This is an excerpt from Ken Burns’ 2022 film “Benjamin Franklin.” It describes a small but meaningful edit Franklin made to Thomas Jefferson’s first draft of The Declaration of Independence. Here, also, is the transcript of the final product — ratified on July 4, 1776. Recommended Reading  Why…


No Debate. This Ad’s Great…

Want to learn how to create content that attracts leads, keeps them tuned in, and inspires them to buy? Watch this complimentary training: “A Masterpiece Ad Reveals How to Create Story-Powered Super Magnets…” I pulled this training from the archives yesterday after mentioning the masterpiece ad at the Mastermind Book Club meeting. We were discussing…


How to be The Shiny Needle in a 60-billion-Needle Haystack

When I was a sixth-grader at Conway School in St. Louis, MO, my teacher, Don Moyle, issued the Chalk Mark Challenge: During recess period, grab a piece of chalk, make marks on the board (in sets of five), and stop when you’ve made one million marks. You can spread the effort over multiple recess periods.…


Here’s a Story About How to Begin a Story…

A cautionary tale: A few years ago, I came across a marketing “expert” on LinkedIn who said you should NEVER begin a story by saying, in effect, here comes a story. “Let the story speak for itself,” he said. If you need to tell someone a story follows, it’s not a strong story. Ummmmmmmm… ⬆…


A Blade Runner Wouldn’t Buy This Marketer’s B.S.

“Blade Runner” premiered 42 years ago today. I saw it that day — June 25, 1982 — at the Esquire Theater in St. Louis. It remains my favorite movie (ever). In the opening scene, a cop interviews a Leon Kowalski to determine whether Leon is a human or a replicant (robot). It’s not easy to…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.24

Recommended Video  How NOT To Make an Offer (And What to Do Instead) From the YouTube description: “When it comes to making the offer – the moment you let your prospects know about your product or service and then ask them to give you money for it – there’s a mistake almost every business owner…


🔑 The Key to Turn Social Followers Into Buyers

Want to hear a mind-blowing stat about social media? The average engagement rate for an Instagram account is 0.6%. That means six people out of 1,000 engage with the content in some way. And what about those “influencers” who have cracked the code, built giant followings, and mastered this medium? Their average engagement rate is…


“Remember… Communication is Never About…”

I read a story yesterday about Bill Clinton and how he outplayed George Bush in a 1992 debate. During the debate, a woman asked the candidates how they would handle the economic crisis and how it affected lives. Bush answered with logic and opinions. Clinton answered with emotion… …which in this case meshed perfectly with…


Egg-licking Nitwits Don’t Rake in The Rubles

Ripped from the headlines in Russia: Eighteen unlucky souls came down with food poisoning after shopping at Zhiznmart grocery store in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Zhiznmart’s owner denied responsibility and offered 1 million rubles to anyone who could prove his products poisoned them. Enter hordes of nitwits, hoping to rake in the rubles. A few fortune-seekers resorted…

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You Won’t Believe What This Bride Did

Melissa and I traveled to the mountains of northwestern Connecticut last weekend to attend a family wedding. My cousin Ali married her sweetheart Ricky. The weather was perfect. The ceremony was a tear-jerker. The food was delicious. The band rocked the house. But the one thing I’ll remember most is the personalized note that I…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.17

Recommended Event  LinkedIn Masterclass Workshop My friend (and Story Power email subscriber Jon Keel) is a LinkedIn master who will host a free LinkedIn Masterclass Workshop on July 9-11. Three days, one hour per day (4-5 p.m.) to discover how to use LinkedIn to become the recognized authority in your marketplace, have people reach out…


The Puffy Pope, AI, and You…

The Pope is taking on AI. You know, Pope Francis. He’s the hip head of the Catholic Church. Last year, he hit the streets in a white puffer jacket (how hip is that?!?)… …or did he? Turns out the Puffy Pope photos were AI-generated fakes. Not real. But real concerning for those, like the Pope…

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Leonardo DaVinci and I Have This Problem in Common

Better late than never. I finally finished writing the book called: Story Power MarketingProven Methods to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content – Without Getting Stuck I’ve been working on this book for a while… …a long while. Far too long, really. At one point, my publisher threatened to charge me an additional fee if I didn’t…

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When The World Gives You Toilet Paper…

When I was a kid, vandals TP’d our yard. They tossed several rolls of toilet paper in the trees and stormed off into the night. The next morning, we woke to a maple, sweet gum, and two oaks draped in Charmin Ultra-Soft. My dad had a sh%t-fit. Artist’s rendering of Dad:  My brother and I…


Enhance The Ordinary — with Yarn (and Stories)…

Around 20 years, a fabric artist in Austin, TX wrapped a door handle in yarn… …and the rest — as they say in some knitting circles — is history. The artist is Magda Sayeg. After wrapping the door handle, the artist, Magda Sayeg, wrapped a stop sign post, a fire hydrant, and other urban objects.…

joe rare

RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.10

Recommended Newsletter  Idea Surplus DisorderI subscribed earlier this year to “Idea Surplus Disorder” by Matt Homan after Matt and his team facilitated a strategic planning meeting for a nonprofit I serve in St. Louis. Matt is a smart and creative business leader. I love his newsletter which is “a weekly dose of innovation, ideation, and…


Fear Sells and That’s OK. Here’s Why…

Our home security system is on the fritz. A sensor on a first-floor door has stopped working so the system thinks door is open — even when its closed tight. In order to activate the system and secure our house, we have to “bypass” that door which requires pushing keypad buttons in a sequence more…


I Wrote a “Perfect” Subject Line (It’s “…a b’nch of dum Nonsense”)

Whoa! I just escaped from Bizarro World where everything is backwards. Up is down. Beautiful is ugly. And… Terrible (subject lines) are “perfect.” Let me ‘splain… My client — let’s call him Michael — asked me for help to write a subject line for an email he’ll send next week to a purchased list. The…


You Can be The “Luckiest” Content Creator Alive. Here’s How…

In the summer of ’45, on a scorching day in LA, a guy named Mel visited his friend and partner Bob. On Bob’s piano, Mel found a notebook with a few random lines. “What’s this?” Mel asked. Bob explained: The heat was driving him crazy. So Bob wrote some lines about winter. He thought envisioning…


The Parable of the Robotic “Priest”

Ripped from the headlines: An AI “priest” was defrocked in April just two days after he took to the pulpit. Turns out “Father Justin” may have overstepped. Justin’s robot masters at Catholic Answers intended to “leverage the power of (AI) to create an engaging and informative experience for those exploring the Catholic faith.” But Father…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.03

Recommended Event  Free Training with a Mindset Master If you’ve never crossed paths with Nina Cooke, now’s the time. She helps 6- and 7-figure Business Owners to create an unstoppable mindset so they can build authority and significantly grow their profits. On Wednesday, she’s hosting a live training: 3 Success Secrets of the Most Highly Respected…


“Loquacious Fowl” and Other Writing Fouls…

Copywriting legend John Carlton dropped this truth bomb on his email list yesterday: Finding the right words matter. “Smart sounding speech” does NOT equal real communication. When telling a joke, saying, “A loquacious Antarctic fowl entered a libations establishment…” … does NOT pack the same punch as “A penguin walks into a bar.” The one who wins…

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A Missed Opportunity For Him, a Great Opportunity for You

A true story about lead generation gone wrong (followed by an invitation): Once upon a time, an ambitious business owner created a free giveaway to attract new leads. His target market loved his “lead magnet.” 8,000 signed up and gave the business owner their email addresses. (8,000! That’s a good lead magnet). Then the business…

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Let’s Remember the Lesser-known Everest Climber

On this day in 1953, Edmund Hillary became the first man to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. One week later, Queen Elizabeth knighted the climber. History remembers and honors Sir Edmund Hillary — especially in the Western Hemisphere. Tenzing Norgay? Not so much. “Who’s Tenzing Norgay?” you ask. He’s the Sherpa who accompanied Hillary…


Robotic “Personalization” Gone Wrong

It’s time for another episode of Spammy Spam and the Spammers who Spam Me. This turd of an AI-powered email plopped into my inbox over the weekend: Hi Tom, As you celebrated the success of your Mastermind Book Club Co-Founder role at Story Power Marketing, I’m excited to share that your team’s efforts in transforming…


Last Chance to Join my Robot and Me…

Last chance to register for today’s masterclass. Here’s one last tale that might entice you to attend… My GPT-powered copywriting robot, “B-9?” is nervous. Later today, I’m going to put him on the spot to demonstrate how… …AI can help you generate a flood of story ideas… …so you save time while producing more and better…

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Brian Tracy’s Secret for a 1000%-return…

Reason #137 to attend tomorrow’s complimentary masterclass The Proven P.L.A.N. to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content — Without Writer’s Block… “Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy!” Brian Tracy said that. ⬆⬆⬆ I’m not keen to correct an all-time great like Brian Tracy, but… …when…


You’re Not Crazy; You Just Need This…

If you’ve ever sat in front of a blank computer screen… …hoping to conjure some words for an email, social post, or other content… …but you come up blank… Dr. Edmund Bergler thinks you’re crazy  Dr. B. was an Austrian-born American psychoanalyst who claimed to have coined the phrase “writer’s block” in 1947. In 1950, he published…

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How to Market Like a Girl — an American Girl…

Around the turn of the millennium, when our twins were six, Melissa took them to American Girl Place in Chicago. Maddie had a small family of American Girl dolls — Molly, Kirsten, and Samantha. Molly was her favorite, so she tagged along on the Chicago adventure. American Girl Molly (I skipped the fun and went,…

Barry LaBov

RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.20

Recommended Events  Free Masterclass to Create Better Content — Without Getting Stuck I’m hosting a masterclass on Friday called: “The P.L.A.N. to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content — Without Getting Writer’s Block.” I’ll reveal my simple, four-part framework to create content that always speaks to your audience and draws them in. I’ll show you how to…


“17 Steps” Really!? 😖

I visited an online marketing forum this morning and saw this headline: “My 17-step process for writing really good blog posts that people will ACTUALLY read.” Wow! 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 –…


Will This Offer Be a Hit, Man?

Want to get 1 hour of complimentary consulting time — to pick my brain about any marketing thing you want? Read on. Even if you don’t want my free help, read on. This one’s a hoot… Here’s a headline that caught my eye: “Florida Woman Allegedly Used ‘Rent-A-Hitman’ Parody Site in Effort to Hire Killer…”…

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I Know It’s a “Holiday,” But I Think I’ll Pass…

Blow the horn and tap the tambourine.   It’s International Customer Support Day. You can thank Microsoft for adding this occasion to our list of pseudo holidays. Back in 2019, MS held an internal celebration to recognize the efforts and challenges faced by its support teams. According to my handy-dandy strange holidays website, “Due to its success…


The Cicada Marketing Method

They’re here. The cicadas, that is. For the past 13 years, billions of cicada nymphs have lived underground in the central USA, sipping sap from tree roots… …waiting… …and waiting… …and waiting… …until they emerge from the ground… …climb onto a tree trunk, branch, or leaf… …and transform into a winged adult. Then they find…

you will suck

RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.13

Did You See the Lights? I blew it. I didn’t get outside on Friday night to see the “Northern Lights” in the sky above St. Louis, MO. USA. I have friends and relatives who saw them. How about you? Send me a picture if you captured one. (The stock photo above is nice, but I’d…


Bizarro: Humans in Bear Suits? Robots in Human Suits?

Ripped from the headlines: A zoo in Hangzhou, China had to prove its Malayan sun bear, named Angela, is actually a bear — not a human in a bear suit. Turns out Angela has a wrinkly butt. So when she stood on her hind legs and waved at zoo visitors (yep, sun bears can do…


Marketing Lessons From Butcher Surgeon Who Botched the Job

Quick note before the story: In case you missed it yesterday, for a limited time, you can join Club Storyville for free (7-day trial) here. Give it a try. It won’t cost you a penny. Details and sign-up here. (Now back to our regularly scheduled program…) I once met a marketing “guru” who advised me to…

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The “Stolen” Masterpiece Marketing Method…

Here’s a little-known detail about the “most successful sales letter in history:” The letter’s copywriter stole borrowed the idea. The writer in question: Martin Conroy. The letter: The Wall Street Journal’s “Two Young Men.” The set up: Two young men went to college together. Both were better than average students. They lived in the same town. They were happily…

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Biz Lessons From a Bowl of Bisque

Half way through the six-course tasting menu, our server, Shekeba, arrived at our table with a surprise gift. “It’s carrot bisque with lobster claw,” she said. “A ‘thank you’ for being so patient.” Shekeba is the wife of Chef Andy Hyde, and on Saturday they scrambled to deliver a 5-star dining experience at their restaurant,…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.06

Recommended Reading  Kevin Kelly’s “101 Additional Advices”Thanks to Tim Ferriss for sharing this post in his 5-Bullet Friday email. Here’s Kevin’s introduction to the list: “Six years ago I celebrated my 68th birthday by gifting my children 68 bits of advice I wished I had gotten when I was their age. Every birthday after that…

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Your Best Laid Plans are Worthless Unless…

I’m on Marco Island, Florida this week for some sun bathing , beach walking , and masterminding . I can’t share most names and details from the mastermind sessions because… …you know… …what happens in mastermind stays in mastermind. But I can share this scene from yesterday’s session (because it contains a valuable business lesson for all of…


What’s in a Name? (A Dessert-inspired Business Fable)

I’m in Florida (Marco Island) for a two-day meeting with Dave Dee and his Elite Mastermind group. And when in Florida… …I eat pie… …key lime pie. Every chance I get. So after rolling in from the airport, I hit the hotel bar for lunch, enjoyed a blackened grouper sandwich, and asked the waitress, “Do…


This is More Important Than Qualifying Prospects…

I work with an attorney who attracts prospects with webinars and converts them to clients with complimentary consultations. Good strategy. But there’s one problem: Her calendar is filled with tire-kickers who ask her for piles of free advice, discounted services, and other profit-crushing gifts. The solution: Weed out the tire-kickers before they book a consultation.…


Is Marketing “Dirty Business?”

This conversation happened yesterday as I discussed with an executive coach how to grow her business. “I hate marketing,” she said. “Why?” I asked. “It seems like dirty business,” she said. “I just want to connect with people who need me, serve them well, and get paid for my effort.” “If you market the right…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.04.29

Recommended Events  Follow-Up Mastery WorkshopLynn Whitbeck is a great sales coach! And on May 9, she’ll reveal a smooth, almost effortless way to make those prospect follow-up check-ins feel like catching up with an old friend… Where everything just clicks, and the next thing you know, they’re all in, eager to get started. Lynn’s program…


You Won’t Believe What These Cows Learned to Do…

Remember that scene in “Meet the Parents” when Jack Byrnes (Robert DeNiro) claims he potty trained his cat, Mr. Jinx? Funny… …because it’s outrageous… …or so it seemed. Ripped from the headlines: Scientists in Germany Have Potty Trained Cows In a project dubbed “MooLoo Training,” scientists awarded a yummy treat to calves that peed in…

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Why You Should Ditch Your Computer

The best piece of advice I ever got about writing emails and other marketing content: Write your first draft without stopping to edit. Plow through until you finish the draft. Then go back and edit. I don’t recall who suggested this. And I have to admit: I don’t always follow this advice. But when I…


An Easy Way to Transform Content from Prospect-repelling to Client-attracting

Yesterday, during a meeting of my Content Transformation Academy Mastermind, we were helping VIP member “L.D.” rewrite some bullets for sales letters she’d drafted. I shared with the group an email I wrote four years ago… …because it contains a quick and easy way to create story-powered content that attracts leads, keeps them tuned in,…


Why I Stop and Smell the Roses

Attentive email reader Jason emailed yesterday to say: “What’s up with the flowers? (I like them)” He was talking about the photos I’ve put at the top of my Monday “RecomMONDAYtions” emails. Here’s the one I included yesterday… Here’s what I told Jason: Every day, I walk around the neighborhood and try to notice something…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.04.22

Recommended Blog Post / Email  Rant: Let your freak flag flyMy friend R.J. Redden doesn’t send emails often. But when she sends them, they’re soooooo good. This is a case study in how to create content that oozes with personality. Recommended Book  Steal Like an Artist by Austin KleonI LOVE this book. It’s short and…


How to Stand Above the Robotic, Mushy Masses

My last dispatch re: Perry Marshall’s Ultimate AI Seminar which I attended this week… Before I ventured to Chicago for the seminar, I read this in Perry’s “New Renaissance Newsletter:” “Everything’s a parable. Everything is a story. You are living the story you will one day tell, right now. This runs contrary to the prevailing world view that says,…

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Your Robot has Learned Biz-busting Habits. Here’s a Fix…

Last month, my Tesla Model 3 (I call her “Iris”) sent me a message to tell me she had evolved. Iris does that frequently. She connects to the internet… …downloads a software update to upgrade her brain… …and tells me all the things she can do now that she couldn’t do before. Cool. I’m used…


The #1 Thing to Know Before You Prompt Your Robot

I remember the first time I attended an “AI Training” following the 2022 release of ChatGPT. The expert shared a mountain of prompts… …prompts to write an email… …prompts to generate content ideas… …prompts to create a Facebook ad… …even prompts to write a job application. Everyone in the room dutifully wrote down all the…


The Critical Question my Robot Didn’t Ask…

I’ve crawled from my cave at Story Power HQ in St. Louis and ventured north to Chicago where I’m attending Perry Marshall’s Definitive AI Seminar this week. I wanted my GPT-powered robot, “B-9?” to join me as my note-taker and valet, but he’s afraid to fly… …so “B-9?” will stay behind. Before I left, I asked “B-9?”…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.04.15

Recommended Reading  Brain Farts (etc.) from John CarltonIn this must-read post, copywriting legend John Carlton writes, “I was going to slap a quickie book on Amazon for you stuffed with all the advice, shared wisdom, tactics and strange asides I’ve been assaulting folks with lately on my Facebook page. But then I thought, ‘screw that.’…


Crappy Process, Well Worth It…

My first colonoscopy mistake came on Monday when I munched half a bag of popcorn while watching the eclipse. I’d forgotten: No popcorn allowed within seven days before the procedure. Popcorn munching was Monday. The procedure was three says later — on Thursday. (Oops!)  I called the doctor to confess, and his nurse said, “No…


You’ve Earned the Praise. Celebrate It.

Here’s a cool idea I picked up from Austin Kleon in his book Steal Like an Artist: Keep a Praise File  Here’s the idea… “…down the road, I will have a dark day when I want to quit, when I wonder why the heck I even bother with this stuff.” Kleon writes. “That’s why I put…


How to Keep the Content-idea Well Flowing Forever

“Oily242” wants to throw in the towel. Writer’s block has wrecked him. He creates a “ton of content” for a startup — a blog/article each day, five LinkedIn posts per week, one weekly post on X, and a bi-weekly email newsletter. And now the well runs dry. In an online forum, Oily242 said, “I’m drawing…


A Cure-ation for Writer’s Block

In yesterday’s email (RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.04.08), I shared Austin Kleon’s blog post “On quantity and quality.” In the post, he shares a story and quotes liberally from David Bayles and Ted Orland’s book, “Art & Fear.” The story: A ceramics teacher divides his class in two. He said he would grade Group 1 on volume.…

craig cooke

RecomMONDAYtions (Total Eclipse Edition) ~ 2024.04.08

Recommended Reading  On quantity and quality by Austin KleonI love this short blog post from Austin Kleon and the quantity vs. quality paradox. This is a must-read if you ever procrastinate or get stuck releasing your work. Note: You’ll have free access to the first half of the post (which covers the key point). If you’d like…


He Innovated and Implemented b/c his Life Depended on It

I like inspirational stories. Here’s one… On November 23, 1942, Poon Lim was working as a steward on the British cargo ship SS Benlomond when a German sub torpedoed it to oblivion. The ship sank minutes after the torpedoes hit, and Lim was left floating in the south Atlantic. A weak swimmer, Lim clung to a wooden…


A Rembrandt-inspired Cure for Writer’s Block

For many decades, a painting called Portrait of a Young Woman hung in the Allentown Art Museum. Curators thought an unknown artist — a disciple of Rembrandt’s — created the portrait. It resembled the Dutch master’s work, but it wasn’t Rembrandt’s… …or so they thought. When Allentown curators sent the painting to be cleaned, conservators at New…


I Wanted to Wring my Robot’s Neck. Here’s the Story…

I think my GPT-powered robot, “B-9?” has started puberty. All of a sudden, he’s standoffish, belligerent, and lazy. He sleeps in until 11, and when I ask him to do something, he half-asses it and then tells me to do the rest myself. Case in point: I asked “B-9?” to find TEN amusing, weird news…


Psychological Tater Warfare

Last night my buddy Ted and I grabbed a bite at our favorite brew pub before heading to the Blues-Oilers hockey game. I ordered the sausage and kraut with a pint of Grolsch. All good. Nothing to rave about. But the German potato salad on the side?  Holy tater-tots, Batman, those spuds were special.  Mama…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.04.01

Walking the Dogs with The Sun at Our Backs, Saint Louis, Missouri, March 2024 #allthisusefulbeauty Holiday Humor  The Greatest April Fools Joke EverOn this day in 1957, the BBC (not known for its raucous sense of humor) fooled the nation when it broadcast a fake news story about the “spaghetti harvest” in Italy. Hilarious! Every…



I’m feeling grateful. Grateful for this: I get to wake up every morning, pour a cup of French Roast, and write an info-taining (I hope) email. The process is interesting. It’s fun. I like waking up each morning, eager to hop out of bed and interact with you. Speaking of which, I’m… Grateful for you: Thank you…


Club Storyville Best Price Ends in 2 Hours

Over the next few days, I’ll be sending a few extra emails re: Club Storyville’s grand opening. If you prefer not to receive any more emails — while remaining on the regular email list — click here to opt-out from the Club Storyville campaign. I made a video to welcome new members to Club Storyville… …and thought…

club storyville

Club Storyville is Open (Today-only Offer)

 Grand Opening  Club Storyville is Open For Business-Building Club Storyville is an exclusive, online community & treasure chest for savvy business leaders who want to create more captivating, client-attracting, profit-generating emails, social posts, videos, landing pages, and other content — without getting stuck or working their tails off. That cartoon guy in the blue shirt…


My Robot-approved Club Launches Soon

Today’s the day I launch Club Storyville, and I don’t need any distractions. But right on cue, my GPT-powered robot, “B-9?” popped in my office this morning to gripe at me. He’s miffed about Club Storyville one of the video trainings that will be in the Club’s vault: “How to Use AI Wisely to Save…

club storyville

Sneak Peek: Story Behind the Story

Tomorrow’s the day: Club Storyville’s grand opening. When you join, you’ll unlock a treasure chest of tips, tools, and other resources to help you… Create Client-Attracting Content & Conquer Writer’s Block So You Stand Out as THE HUMAN TO HIRE in Your Niche Among those resources: Stories Behind the Stories. Every month, I’ll share one of my…

Strother Martin

Finally… an Affordable Cure for “Captainaire’s Disease” 🥳

Happy Birthday to the late, great Strother Martin (DOB: March 26, 1919). He’s the actor who played “Captain” (the warden) in “Cool Hand Luke.” He’s the one who slammed Luke to the ground and said, “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach.” Captain got the first part right.…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.03.25

Spring Art, Saint Louis, Missouri, March 2024 #allthisusefulbeauty (Photo by Caren Libby) Recommended Events  Mastermind Book Club re: “How to Work a Room”We were supposed to do this last month, but technical difficulties messed that up. So… The Mastermind Book Club will discuss Susan RoAne’s “How to Work a Room” THIS month — and the author…


Ewe Have to See This…

I bumped into my GPT-powered robot, “B-9?” this morning in the break room at Story Power HQ. Since I hadn’t come up with an idea for today’s email, I asked “B-9?” to dig up some weird, amusing news stories to inspire me. “B-9?” zipped over to his office, dug through his digital file cabinet, and…


1 Week Until…

I got the idea for today’s email from my handy-dandy holidays calendar… …which told me today is National Countdown Day. March 21. 3-2-1… (Get it?) Convenient timing for this silly, made-up, meaningless holiday because… …I’m putting the finishing touches on Club Storyville… …which will launch in ⓵ week so… Let the countdown begin! Club Storyville will…

story telling

A Story About the Client-attracting Power of Stories…

Happy World Storytelling Day. Let’s celebrate with a quick story about the client-attracting power of stories. At Stanford University, Chip Heath asked his students to give one-minute speeches that contained three statistics and one story. Some time after the speeches, Heath quizzed students on what they heard. Only 5% of the students remembered a single…

daily grind

From Daily Grind to Fabulous Adventure…

AtomicSquirell is having a midlife crisis. He has spent the majority of his professional life in advertising. But he lacks passion for his work. He appreciates “the artistic aspects” of the profession, but he hates other aspects — including “the daily grind” and “the relentless focus on sales.” I get it, AtomicSquirell. I used to…


RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.03.18

Hay House in the Ozarks, Crawford County, Missouri, March 2024 #allthisusefulbeauty Recommended Events 👻How to be A Ghost Buster: Capture & Convert Prospects to ClientsI’m a Lynn Whitbeck fan! She’s a sales and leadership who teaches how to end sales chaos and amplify profits using a robust strategic sales plan. On Thursday, March 28, 2024…


Gamification Nation: The Power of Score-keeping

I solved this morning’s Wordle puzzle in three guesses… …and my streak lives on. 58 days and counting  Wordle is a game where you get six tries to guess a five-letter word. With each guess, the puzzle gives you feedback. It reveals if a letter you guessed is in the right place, in the word…


The Wrong and Right Recipes to Cook up Profits…

A self-proclaimed “email marketer” posted a diatribe on Reddit recently, accusing a biscuit company of “assaulting his inbox.” He ordered some biscuits online, and then the biscuit company sent him, on average, five emails per week. “Sending five emails per week is not the way to stay top-of-mind,” he declared. He suggested sending “fortnightly” emails…

Princess Kate (1)

Princess Kate Flubbed Photoshop. Off with Her Head!

Princess Kate and her pals at the palace are in hot water.In case you’ve missed the relentless news coverage, here’s the story… Last week, the British Royals released this photo of the Princess and her kiddos… A bunch of news agencies ran the photo but then pulled it because they discovered digital alterations The Princess…


Women and Vegans Welcome Here…

When Charlotte was 20 and just getting started as a writer, she sent one of her creations to England’s top poet. Poet Laureate Robert Southey liked Charlotte’s work. But in a letter dated March 12, 1837, he wrote, “Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life: & it ought not to be. The more…