

This is More Important Than Qualifying Prospects…

By Tom Ruwitch

I work with an attorney who attracts prospects with webinars and converts them to clients with complimentary consultations. Good strategy. But there’s one problem: Her calendar is filled with tire-kickers who ask her for piles of free advice, discounted services, and other profit-crushing gifts. The solution: Weed out the tire-kickers before they book a consultation.…

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An Ode to Noticing

By Tom Ruwitch

It snowed here in St. Louis on Friday. By Saturday morning, the melt was on. Melissa opened the front door to go for a walk. She began to step on the door mat, but stopped… …because she saw this… “Snowy Symmetry” she called it when she texted the photo to me. That diagonal line near…

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A No-hassle Way to Attract Leads & Land Clients

By Tom Ruwitch

If I had a Shekel for every time someone said, “it’s too hard to do…” when I suggested they create a lead magnet to attract qualified prospects… …I’d have a giant piggy bank full of Shekels! I get it. Seems like you have to work your tail off to create a lead magnet, promote it,…

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A Warning and an Invitation

By Tom Ruwitch

This question generated a lot of buzz on a popular marketing forum this month: “Best Lead Magnets in 2024? What channels and lead magnets will you be focusing on..?” My least favorite answer came from a pitchy list vendor who said forget about lead magnets and buy a pile of leads. He directed readers to…

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My Resolution: Profit More. Work Less. What’s Yours?

By Tom Ruwitch

When it comes to your business in 2024… What’s your #1 New Year’s resolution? Please reply to this email and let me know. I may have some thoughts or resources to help you. My primary resolution? Delegate and automate so I can work less and earn more. Long ago, I thought delegation would increase costs.…

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The Best-ever Description of “Branding”

By Tom Ruwitch

I didn’t expect this… I can’t stop thinking about the exhibit I saw the other day at the St. Louis Art Museum… The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century. I mentioned it in yesterday’s email, and I shared the description for the exhibition’s section on Brand. This is the thing playing over and…

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Cybertruck-inspired Marketing Wisdom

By Tom Ruwitch

Love it. Hate it. When it comes to Tesla and its new Cybertruck, there seems to be no in-between. Jay Leno loves the Cybertruck. A few days ago, he featured it on his show “Jay Leno’s Garage.” Tesla’s Head of Design, Franz von Holzhausen, joined Leno on the show. They discussed the love/hate dynamic. Leno:…

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Biz Solutions & Success: Closer Than You Think

By Tom Ruwitch

My client Joe asked me to help him transform his website from prospect-repelling to client-attracting. I offered several suggestions, including, “Put some testimonials on the front page.” “I don’t have any testimonials,” he said. “I bet you do,” I replied… …and then I trotted out the tale of my summer fling, Kathy. I was 19,…

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Stop Wishing and Waiting. Start Selling…

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday, I shared a cautionary tale about list-building raffles and how they fill your CRM with lousy leads. An agreeable reader replied with this: “The people signing up for our raffle were the exact opposite of the people we wanted.” (So far, so good. But then this…) “Now we don’t do anything. A lot of…

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She Asked For Help and Then… 🙄

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months back, I met a business coach who asked for my help with email marketing. She wanted help, especially, with the follow-up emails for new followers. She said she “really struggles” with this. She shared a few of the follow-up emails she now sends, and I gave her some free advice. Then I…

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