

Make Time for Renaissance Time

By Tom Ruwitch

It was a dark and stormy night. Really, it was… …way back on this day — July 2 — in 1505. A young fella named Martin Luther got caught in a violent storm. He was so awed by God’s thunderous wrath… …he decided to become a monk… …right there and then… …on that stormy night.…

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I Robot? How to Prove I’m Not…

By Tom Ruwitch

My favorite Super Bowl ad… …”Robots” by Discover: My GPT-powered copywriting robot, “B-9?” skipped the Super Bowl (he’s a Dolphins fan, and he’s not into that Travis-Taylor drama). But I shared the ad with him this morning and asked, “Do you like it?” “B-9?” said: “I don’t have personal opinions.” I asked: “Does it bother you…

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She Made me Laugh Loudest

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday’s email about punny highway signs reminded me: I fell in love with Melissa over a silly joke. I was 25. She was 23. We were gathered with friends at her apartment, playing a game called fictionary. The rules: One person holds the dictionary and chooses a word the other players don’t know. Each player…

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Poor Richard Wisdom

By Tom Ruwitch

On this day (Dec. 28) in 1732, Ben Franklin published the first edition of Poor Richard’s Almanack. For 25 years, he published the Almanack annually — 10,000 copies per year. To celebrate the Almanack’s birthday, I’ll share a favorite quote from each edition, starting with the first “1733” edition. Maybe these can inspire some new year’s…

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What Inspiration Do You Carry in “Your Pocket?”

By Tom Ruwitch

Rumor has it Muhammad Ali carried in his pocket a copy of Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If.” This morning, in his excellent, weekly newsletter, 5-Bullet Friday, Tim Ferriss said he’s studying the poem. I’m sitting at Lambert St. Louis International Airport waiting to board a plane to Tampa… …and I’m studying the poem, too. I like…

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Go Ahead. Swipe Others’ Stuff. Here’s Why…

By Tom Ruwitch

I came across a cool quote yesterday from Carla Bley. She was a jazz pianist and composer who passed away earlier this week, Austin Kleon shared her words in his newsletter: “Listening is how I started. I didn’t start when I was a piano player. I didn’t start as a composer. I started as a listener.”…

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This Email is About Taylor Swift (Kind Of)

By Tom Ruwitch

Taylor Swift is in the news… …again. And I want to understand why. So I turned to the one-and-only who could help me make sense of this… … … … … …my great and powerful GPT-powered copywriting robot, B-9(?). Here’s our conversation: Me: Hey, B-9(?), what’s the big deal about Taylor Swift? B-9(?): Hey Tom!…

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writing poem

How Jeff Tweedy’s Dad Wrote One Poem… and then Another

By Tom Ruwitch

In his brilliant book How to Write One Song, Jeff Tweedy tells a story about his Dad who would go to the basement when he was sad or mad, drink a beer or two, and write a poem. Jeff Tweedy writes lyrics and music for a living. He’s the founder and leader of the band Wilco. But…

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How a “Homeless” Chef is Building a Brand

By Tom Ruwitch

I had a great meal last night — prepared by a “homeless” chef named Alec Schingel.  Until last year, Alec worked for various restaurants around the country — including some great ones in my town, St. Louis.  Now he’s on his own, no longer working for a restaurant, planning to open his own place some…

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Australian Toilet Humor

By Tom Ruwitch

Here’s a rerun. I wrote it back in 2019 when I still led my email marketing company, MarketVolt.  I republished it on LinkedIn yesterday. My friend Ted Prodromou saw it there and called it laugh-out-loud funny — which inspired me to email it to you now.  In my soon-to-be-released “Email Marketing Power” program, I’ll reveal the many…

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