RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.09.23

Delaware River, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, Philadelphia, PA ~ #AllThisUsefulBeauty

Herb Kelleher on Leadership and Service

Yesterday, I flew from Philadelphia to St. Louis on Southwest Airlines. Before I boarded, I had the WORST customer (dis)service experience I’ve ever had with Southwest. It made me think of the airline’s founder, Herb Kelleher, and how he built Southwest on great customer service. He must have been turning in his grave.

Here’s an interview with Kelleher from The Motley Fool. A must-see-V for anyone interested in improving their leadership skills or elevating their company’s customer service.

Recommended Reading

💡Customer Service vs. Customer Experience

Speaking of Southwest Airlines, here’s a great post from Patrick Bet-David about the difference between customer “service” (ordinary) and customer “experience” (extraordinary). He describes how many brands, including Southwest, elevate customer service to create a positive, memorable experience. This is a short, great read for anyone who wants to build stronger, longer-lasting bonds with clients.

Recommended Reading

📚 Your Next Five Moves

Speaking of Patrick Bet-David, his book “Your Next Five Moves” is this month’s selection for the Mastermind Book Club. He shares his rags to riches story and reveals the mindsets and methodologies that helped him build successful businesses — while enjoying the ride.

From the publisher’s description: “Both successful entrepreneurs and chess grandmasters have the vision to look at the pieces in front of them and anticipate their next five moves. In this book, Patrick Bet-David translates this skill into a valuable methodology that applies to high performers at all levels of business. Whether you feel like you’ve hit a wall, lost your fire, or are looking for innovative strategies to take your business to the next level, Your Next Five Moves has the answers.”

Each month, Ted and I choose a great business book, read it, and then discuss it (live on Zoom) with members.

This month’s meeting happens on Thursday, September 25, at 2:30 p.m. ET. You don’t have to read the book to join the conversation. But you have to join the Club (it’s free) to get the meeting notices and Zoom link.

Go to to learn more and join.

Recommended Listening

🎶“Our Love is Here to Stay” (Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong)

Melissa and I celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary tomorrow (9/24). The song for our first dance: “Our Love is Here to Stay” by George and Ira Gershwin. Our favorite version of this song: This one by Ella and Louis.

Podcast (The Story Power Marketing Show)

📈Financial Secrets to Unlock Lifestyle Freedom (with Brian Herriot)

Brian is the founder of Choosy Consultant which helps mid-career consultants find financial freedom and live their best lives.

He offers a new and different take on wealth-building, lifestyle design, and retirement. Brian builds customized comprehensive wealth plans for his clients in just one week.


~ Why It’s a Myth That You Need a “Pile of Cash” to Retire

~ The Main Mindset Shift to Take Control of Your Life

~ How to Make an Income in a Different Way

~ Why It’s Not as Risky to Start a Business as You Might Think

Hear the episode wherever you get your favorite podcasts. For show notes, videos, and more, check on the episode on here

Words to Ponder

“You have to have the service mentality in the sense that you subjugate your own ego, and you subjugate a large part of your own life to really helping other people, being successful on their behalf.”

― Herb Kelleher

Don't go away yet..

p.s. Coaches, authors, and consultants hire me to power-up their creative content and storytelling to captivate prospects, stand-out and book more business.

Whenever you're ready, here are several ways I can help you become a storytelling stand-out so you'll land more clients without pitching and prodding:

1) Get the Story Power Profit Pack -- 52 Strategies, Tips, and Tactics  to Transform Your Content from Ignored to Adored.

2) Watch the free, 7-minute Micro-Training: “The 3 Most Important Storytelling Keys to Captivate Prospects and Inspire Them to Act -- Without Pitching and Prodding.”

3) Become a Story Power VIP: Master how to discover, assemble, and deliver business-building stories. Twice-monthly live masterclasses. Members-only content. One-on-one feedback and consulting sessions. And more… If you'd like to learn more about our VIP program, just reply to this email and put "Story Power VIP" in the subject line. I’ll contact you with more details.

4) Work with me one-on-one: If you’re interested in working directly with me -- to discover, assemble, and deliver powerful, business-building stories -- simply reply to this email and change the subject line to "Private Client." Tell me a little about yourself, your business, and what you'd like to accomplish, and I'll reply to discuss options.

5) Invite me to speak at an event: I can tailor a presentation that meets the specific needs of your organization. Informative. Entertaining. Virtual or live. Potential for continuing education credits when applicable for your group. If interested, reply to this email and change the subject line to “Speaking Engagement.” I’ll circle back to discuss the possibilities.

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Tom Ruwitch

Tom Ruwitch is the founder and CEO of Story Power Marketing. For more than 30 years, he has helped businesses grow by delivering powerful stories using a variety of different media.