Here are some FREE resources we offer to help you become a storytelling stand-out and land more clients. 

E-Book: 5 Storytelling Secrets to Help You Captivate Prospects and Inspire Them to Buy

The most successful marketing and advertising campaigns tell powerful stories.Why? Because powerful stories captivate prospects and inspire them to buy.

If there was a Storytelling Hall of Fame, the five advertisements in this e-book would be first-ballot inductees. They’re storytelling masterpieces.

We’re going to dive deep into these masterpieces because mastery comes from studying the masters. So let’s get going. Our Hall-of-Fame tour begins...

7-Minute Training: The 3 Most Important Keys

Discover the 3 most important storytelling keys to captivate prospects and inspire them to buy -- without pitching and prodding. A 7-minute video training, available on-demand.

Emails that Sell Course

Video eCourse: 7 Secrets to Write Emails that Sell

Fill prospects' inboxes with emails they'll open every time and read from top-to-bottom so you can... Inspire readers to act... Book more prospects... Close more sales.

Email Cartoon

Informative, Entertaining Emails

Three times a week, we send emails to our subscribers with stories with marketing lessons, recommended resources and other valuable content. You can unsubscribe at any time. And we won't share your contact info with anyone.

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Twice a week, we send emails to our subscribers with stories with marketing lessons, recommended resources and other valuable content. You can unsubscribe at any time. And we won't share your contact info with anyone.

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