Monday Mash-Up ~ 2023.01.30

Recommended Viewing
Creation Lessons from a Master Architect
I saw this yesterday on CBS Sunday Morning — the story of architect Steven Holl.
Holl paints every day, mostly in a small notebook, for his own entertainment and creative inspiration. Creation without a specific business project in mind, sometimes sparking a business idea later.
Holl says:
I’ve come at architecture through watercolors and conceptual strategies. And I find that this little 5×7 notebook, making a kind of sketch and writing a few words, this is a way of getting into a project. I’ve been doing that for my whole life.
When you watch the video, you’ll see how he transformed one of his watercolors — unrelated to a professional project when he painted it– into a architectural design.
Fascinating and inspiring.

Recommended Reading
Ann Handley: How to Write Like Robots Can’t
When it comes to AI copywriting robots, Ann Handley and I see eye to eye. In the latest edition (#130) of her fantastic email newsletter, Ann nails it. She writes:
A lot of us are looking for a way to shortcut the process, because we think AI is like a microwave that’ll heat our Hickory Ham Hot Pocket in a jiffy.
Look! 10 seconds on HIGH and I have an entire blog post!
But it’s not like that…
AI is a robot perched on our shoulder, not the creator at the keyboard.
Amen, Ann!
Recommended Viewing / Listening
Finding Your Authentic Self
The latest episode of the Story Power Marketing Show podcast with guest Barbera Schouten:
Barbera is a transformation coach, a speaker, and an author. She specializes in helping people who feel different than others to be deeply connected with their authentic (spiritual) selves, have a crystal clear vision of the life they truly want to live.
Discussed in this episode:
- Why burnout is a result of not being true to your authentic self. (20:20)
- What does it mean to put the real me out there? (24:33)
- Authenticity: not just what’s working for you, but defining what’s working for them. (37:06)
Here’s an excerpt video.
Full episode video and audio: here. You also can find the podcast by searching for “The Story Power Marketing Show” wherever you find your favorite podcast.

Recommended Viewing
“Dealt” — An Incredible Movie
Richard Turner is a world-renowned card magician…
…who also happens to be blind.
What a story.
Watch the trailer and then find the movie on your favorite streaming service.

Words to Ponder…
…from the Copybloggers
“If you have the attention of an audience, you’re already a leader.”
– Brian Clark
Don't go away yet..
p.s. Coaches, authors, and consultants hire me to power-up their creative content and storytelling to captivate prospects, stand-out and book more business.
Whenever you're ready, here are several ways I can help you become a storytelling stand-out so you'll land more clients without pitching and prodding:
1) Get the Story Power Profit Pack -- 52 Strategies, Tips, and Tactics to Transform Your Content from Ignored to Adored.
2) Watch the free, 7-minute Micro-Training: “The 3 Most Important Storytelling Keys to Captivate Prospects and Inspire Them to Act -- Without Pitching and Prodding.”
3) Become a Story Power VIP: Master how to discover, assemble, and deliver business-building stories. Twice-monthly live masterclasses. Members-only content. One-on-one feedback and consulting sessions. And more… If you'd like to learn more about our VIP program, just reply to this email and put "Story Power VIP" in the subject line. I’ll contact you with more details.
4) Work with me one-on-one: If you’re interested in working directly with me -- to discover, assemble, and deliver powerful, business-building stories -- simply reply to this email and change the subject line to "Private Client." Tell me a little about yourself, your business, and what you'd like to accomplish, and I'll reply to discuss options.
5) Invite me to speak at an event: I can tailor a presentation that meets the specific needs of your organization. Informative. Entertaining. Virtual or live. Potential for continuing education credits when applicable for your group. If interested, reply to this email and change the subject line to “Speaking Engagement.” I’ll circle back to discuss the possibilities.
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