I Robot? How to Prove I’m Not…


My favorite Super Bowl ad…

…”Robots” by Discover:

My GPT-powered copywriting robot, “B-9?” skipped the Super Bowl (he’s a Dolphins fan, and he’s not into that Travis-Taylor drama). But I shared the ad with him this morning and asked, “Do you like it?”

“B-9?” said:Ā “I don’t have personal opinions.”

I asked: “Does it bother you that people hate robots?”

“B-9?” said:Ā “As an AI, I don’t have feelings, so it doesn’t bother me when people express negative sentiments towards robots or automation.”

But it would bother ME if someone thought I was a robot.

I don’t want to be just another needle in the robotic haystack of sameness. I want to stand out, be noticed, build bonds, establish connections with prospects, and forge meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with clients.

Humans want to connect with humans.

So I asked, just as Jennifer Coolidge asks in the ad: “How would I prove I’m not a robot? Please list 10 ways to prove you are a human content creator.”

“B-9?” replied:

  1. Share personal anecdotes or experiences relevant to the topic.
  2. Use humor or express emotions that are uniquely human.
  3. Include idiomatic expressions or slang that AI might not use appropriately.
  4. Offer opinions or subjective thoughts on the matter discussed.
  5. Mention recent events or specific details that are not widely published.
  6. Use a casual or informal tone that reflects your personality.
  7. Reference personal interactions you’ve had with the recipient.
  8. Include mistakes or imperfections that a robot wouldn’t typically make.
  9. Attach photos or videos that you’ve taken, related to the content.
  10. Offer to have a live conversation (video or voice call) to discuss the content further.

Smart robot.

Later this month, I’ll host a masterclass where I’ll elaborate on how to add personality to your content so you stand out as a human whose good to work with. Stay tuned for the details.

Don't go away yet..

p.s. Coaches, authors, and consultants hire me to power-up their creative content and storytelling to captivate prospects, stand-out and book more business.

Whenever you're ready, here are several ways I can help you become a storytelling stand-out so you'll land more clients without pitching and prodding:

1) Get theĀ Story Power Profit PackĀ -- 52 Strategies, Tips, and Tactics Ā to Transform Your Content from Ignored to Adored.

2) Watch theĀ free, 7-minute Micro-Training: ā€œThe 3 Most Important Storytelling Keys to Captivate Prospects and Inspire Them to Act -- Without Pitching and Prodding.ā€

3) Become a Story Power VIP: Master how to discover, assemble, and deliver business-building stories. Twice-monthly live masterclasses. Members-only content. One-on-one feedback and consulting sessions. And moreā€¦ If you'd like to learn more about our VIP program, just reply to this email and put "Story Power VIP" in the subject line. Iā€™ll contact you with more details.

4) Work with me one-on-one: If youā€™re interested in working directly with me -- to discover, assemble, and deliver powerful, business-building stories -- simply reply to this email and change the subject line to "Private Client." Tell me a little about yourself, your business, and what you'd like to accomplish, and I'll reply to discuss options.

5) Invite me to speak at an event: I can tailor a presentation that meets the specific needs of your organization. Informative. Entertaining. Virtual or live. Potential for continuing education credits when applicable for your group. If interested, reply to this email and change the subject line to ā€œSpeaking Engagement.ā€ Iā€™ll circle back to discuss the possibilities.

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Tom Ruwitch

Tom Ruwitch is the founder and CEO of Story Power Marketing. For more than 30 years, he has helped businesses grow by delivering powerful stories using a variety of different media.