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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 24

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Reading12 Business Lessons from Mel Brooks Mel Brooks was born on this day in 1926. Here’s a Fast Company article from several years back with 12 lessons Brooks discovered over his legendary career. These are valuable lessons for anyone managing a business. Recommended ResourceVelocity Jam Helps You Establish High-Value Connections on LinkedIn If you want to expand your…

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7 Secrets to Write Emails that Sell

By Tom Ruwitch

Good Morning: I’ve launched a new video e-course called 7 Secrets to Write Emails that Sell. It’s 7 short videos, one per day, delivered to your inbox over 7 days. Here’s what we cover: How to come up with great ideas for irresistible emails. The key to overcome writers block so you can knock out your…

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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 23

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Reading / ListeningThe Daily Stoic: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Age I’m a big fan of Ryan Holiday’s The Daily Stoic. I subscribe to his emails. I read his book. I listen to his podcast. The website describes stoicism as, “…a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous and more wise–and as a result, better…

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Summit Starts Tomorrow. I Speak Friday…

By Tom Ruwitch

Hi — I conducted a group coaching call earlier today, and one of my clients suggested she doesn’t have the “gift” needed to market her business with ease. It’s not a gift we’re born with, I told her. You master marketing and grow your business by learning from the masters. The masters make it look…

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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 22

By Tom Ruwitch

Six-Figure Summit: Priceless Presentations and the Price is Right + Theresa Carrington, founder of Ten By Three + Marketoonist Mocks the “Next Big Thing” + Suzanne Somers Answer Big Questions + Happy Flag Day + From Harriet Beecher Stowe

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I Met a Remarkable Woman

By Tom Ruwitch

I met a remarkable woman yesterday. Her name is Sarah Walugembe. She lives in Uganda. Her mom left her when she was two months old. Her dad died a few years later. She married when she was 14. She thought marriage was her ticket to a better life. But her husband was a bad man.…

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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 21

By Tom Ruwitch

Six-Figure Summit: Priceless Presentations and the Price is Right + Affordable Microphones for Better Audio + Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterwork + Want More Customers? Solve Their Problems + From Frank Lloyd Wright

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Memorial Day Mash-Up

By Tom Ruwitch

Former POW Hal Kushner + Tim O’Brien The Things They Carried + National Memorial Day Concert + Eastwood’s Iwo Jima Double-Feature

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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 19

By Tom Ruwitch

Cathy Sexton Overcome Email Overload + Class Action Park + Why Storytelling is So Important in the Digital Era + Chris Voss Never Split the Difference + From Bob Dylan

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Monday Mash-Up ~ Vol. 2, Ep. 18

By Tom Ruwitch

Two Masters Discuss the Power of Storytelling + Writing Tips from 15 Greats + LinkedIn Master Chats with the Copywriting Great + The New Edition of Robert Cialdini’s Classic + Jeannette Rankin Gives You The Green Light

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