

The Second-Greatest Thing I’ve Ever Done in the Shower…

By Tom Ruwitch

Remember that time you were in the showerā€¦ ā€¦and a great idea popped into your headā€¦ ā€¦and by the time you stepped out of the showerā€¦ ā€¦the idea was GONE! That used to happen to me all the time. But no longer.  Earlier this week, I got me some AquaNotes! (Thanks, Todd Cherches, for telling…

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Why the World Needs Another Friggin Podcast

By Tom Ruwitch

A few weeks before I launched my podcast, The Story Power Marketing Show, I shared some of the details with my pal Adam and asked for his feedback.  He liked the podcast graphic, introduction, and other details. And then he wrote (with a wink and a smile), “Because…just what the world needs…another friggin’ podcast!”  Yeah, I used…

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How This One Little Question 3x’d Sales

By Tom Ruwitch

Over the weekend, I went to one of those big-box stores that camps a ā€œgreeter” by the front door. As I marched past him, he barely lifted his eyes from his phone as he mumbled, ā€œā€˜mornin.ā€ Some greeting! Made me think of the great marketing consultant Jay Abraham and a story he told about a…

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If You Had The Best Product In The World…

By Tom Ruwitch

If you had the best product in the world, how would you market it?  I spotted that question on a marketing forum last weekā€¦ …and I was sad — but not surprised — to see the responses. Every single response focused on tools and tactics.  ā€œI would personally advertise it through Google advertisements, PPC. I…

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How to Eliminate Guesswork and Catch a Big One…

By Tom Ruwitch

I just returned from a week in southern Wyoming where I gathered with high school buddies for some R&R and fishing. The first day on the North Platte River I stood knee-deep in the icy water. The only sounds: The rolling river, the occasional screech of a red-tailed hawk, and the ā€œchirp-chirpā€ of grasshoppersā€¦ …and…

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How Intention and Action Lead to Beautiful Creations

By Tom Ruwitch

My friend Caren Libby posted a beautiful photograph on LinkedIn last week — a meadow with Black-Eyed Susans in full bloom. (That’s the photo above.) In her post, Caren wrote, ā€œI stumbled across this lovely burst of blossoms in the John F. Kennedy trail in Forest Park.ā€ I loved the post, and I shared it.…

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Loads of Leads Won’t Always Help. Here’s Why…

By Tom Ruwitch

I met last week with a business owner who was hungry to get new leads. As I dove deeper with him, I learned he has NO idea how to nurture those leads. His plan: Pitch them immediately and pitch them hard. Heā€™s one of those ā€œPleased to meet you. Will you marry me?ā€ types. The…

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The Client-Attracting Power of Radical Empathy

By Tom Ruwitch

In aĀ recent Monday Mash-Up, I told you about the author Cheryl Strayed and the advice columns she wrote under the pen name ā€œSugar.ā€ Her friend and fellow author Steve Almond described Strayedā€™s Sugar columns as ā€œradical empathy.ā€ I canā€™t get that phrase out of my mind. Radical empathy. Powerful business storytelling is all about radical…

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How Business is Like Skydiving…

By Tom Ruwitch

In 2017, I jumped from an airplane 15,000 feet above New Zealandā€¦ …on purpose. Here’s a picture at the moment of truth. Those are MY legs, hanging out of the airplane, 2.84 miles above Lake Wanaka. Here’s another picture… …after I jumped, freefalling at about 200 feet per second. The plan: Freefall for 60 seconds,…

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This Made Me Laugh…

By Tom Ruwitch

Last month, a burger joint in Toronto added a new section to its Ubereats and Doordash delivery menus…  …with items named after office supplies.  You can order a ā€œBasic Steel Staplerā€ (actually a Fortune Burger).  Throw in a side of ā€œBraided HDMI Cableā€ (Classic Fries).  Want parmesan on those fries? Then order the ā€œUSB Wired…

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