Good Examples


How Meg Ryan’s Most Famous Scene Can Help You Sell

By Tom Ruwitch

Remember the famous, “I can tell if she’s faking…” scene in When Harry Met Sally?   Harry (Billy Crystal) insists his partners have never…ummm…faked it.   Sally (Meg Ryan) says women fake it all the time.   Harry’s not buying it.   So Sally proves the point by…  …putting down her turkey sandwich and…  …well…  …faking it…  …enthusiastically…  …right there…

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How Huck Finn Can Help You Grow Your Business

By Tom Ruwitch

I was thinking this morning about Huck Finn and his friend Jim, the runaway slave.   Mark Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on this day in 1885. I first read it ialmost 100 years later when I was a junior in high school.  And for two years after college, I was an English teacher who taught…

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How Walt Disney Built the Happiest Place on Earth

By Tom Ruwitch

Back in the early fifties, when he was trying to build a park like no other, Walt Disney needed to raise some dough. Disneyland was going to cost him $17 million to build. That’s equal to around $165 million today. Walt and his company had done pretty well. But not THAT well so… …he launched…

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How Eddie Murphy’s Fear Can Make You Better

By Tom Ruwitch

I used to think Eddie Murphy was fearless.  I mean think of him at his peak… He was a badass. A comedy legend. Full of bluster. The coolest cat in town.  This guy:  Fearful? No way!  Then, I saw him on a 2019 episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and… Eddie said…

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Henry Aaron. Immortal. Inspiration.

By Tom Ruwitch

I was 9 years old when Henry Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s career home run record. I watched him hit number 715 on TV with my brother and my dad. We celebrated the feat. I didn’t have a clue what he’d gone through.  Even some of his teammates now say they didn’t know… …He received tons…

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Al Franken Messed With My Mind and Then I Got Over It

By Tom Ruwitch

When I was a younger business person, I never thought much about mindset.  Meditation? Not for me. Visualization? No, thanks. Self-affirmation? Not a chance.  I think it was Stuart Smalley’s fault.  Remember him? He was a recurring character on Saturday Night Live in the 1990s. Al Franken played the part before he left SNL to…

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How to Know Exactly What Prospects Want — Without Hocus Pocus

By Tom Ruwitch

Remember that movie with Mel Gibson playing a male chauvinist pig who magically acquires the superpower to “hear” women’s thoughts? I just heard a real-life version of that story.  Both the real-life and Hollywood versions reveal a ton about marketing.  The real-life story features a marketing guy named Ben Settle who, like Gibson’s character, has…

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The #1 Quality That All Great Marketers Have

By Tom Ruwitch

My business is growing so I’m hiring.  Last night I posted a job opening for a software developer to assist with several projects.  I described the projects, but only in vague terms.  Applications flooded my inbox. Most applicants told me they had EVERYTHING it takes to tackle the projects.  One applicant, Noah, said this: “Let’s discuss more…

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I Love This Billboard…

By Tom Ruwitch

For three years, I never opened my mouth when I smiled. That was from 1978 through 1980.   Those were the  Braces Years, the period when my mouth was full of metal hardware and my parents’ checking account was shrinking.   It’s tough being a 13- to 16-year-old — especially when your pearly whites are covered with stainless…

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For People Who Want to Write Better Headlines But Aren’t Sure How…

By Tom Ruwitch

Once upon a time, I tried to cook a batch of paella.   It didn’t go well.   The mussels were chewy. The chicken was dry. The rice was a sticky mess. So frustrating!  I fancy myself a decent cook. But decent doesn’t cut it when you strive to master a complicated dish.   Today, aspiring home chefs can…

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