Tom Ruwitch
A few days ago, I was watching David Letterman on the living room flat screen. He was interviewing the singer/songwriter Billie Eilish, and he said this: “I have seen your concerts…And the commanding power that emanates from you and the music is stunning. Do you remember the first time you recognized…” Dave paused for a…
Read MoreEvery so often, I hear from a sad-sack marketer who plays the “easy for you to say” card… …as in “Write story-powered emails that captivate prospects? Easy for you to say, Tom. You’re a storytelling genius.” (Sigh!) I heard from someone yesterday who griped about my list-building advice. In yesterday’s email, I encouraged you to…
Read MoreHow can I build my email list? That was the question I got yesterday from a member of my Content Transformation Academy during our weekly group meeting. He has transformed his emails from boring to brilliant. Now he wants to share his content with a larger audience and reap the rewards. My answer: Just ask. …
Read MoreI touched a nerve yesterday. In my Monday Mash-Up yesterday, I shared an article that called “B.S.” on Simon Sinek’s “start with why.” I received lots of replies from subscribers who agreed. No one defended Sinek. Sinek’s big idea from his 2010 TED talk, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” That…
Read MoreRecommended ReadingWhy ‘Know Your Why’ Isn’t Great Content Marketing Advice I say this often: Storytelling for business is not about fashioning your origin story. It’s about discovering your prospects’ stories. That’s why I love this article by Robert Rose. So many marketers “start with why,” thanks to Simon Sinek who touted the idea in his TED talk…
Read MoreYesterday, while I was walking Moose around the block (actually, Moose was walking me) I heard this gem from marketing master Justin Blackman: “Want your writing to sound more natural? Make zero effort to sound smart. That’s it…Sentences are short, and my vocabulary is on par with a toddler. And no big words. I just…
Read MoreQuick question: Why did you open this email? Really, it’s not a trick question. Please shoot me a quick reply and let me know. You can do that now (the rest of this email can wait). … … … So…back to the question at hand… Why’d you open the email? It couldn’t have been the…
Read MoreI met yesterday with a friend who’s feeling down in the dumps. His business is struggling and so is he. And even though he’s a brilliant mindset coach, he now questions everything he’s doing – including all things marketing. “I don’t like marketing,” he told me. “It’s the use of psychology to deceive people into…
Read MoreThe email from longtime subscriber “Scott H” landed in my inbox last week with a “thud” It flashed as a notification on my iPhone’s home screen, revealing just the first line… “I have a problem with your…emails…” “Uh-oh!” I thought. I took a deep breath, sat up straight, and clicked the notification to open the…
Read MoreMemorial Day ViewingHonoring Soldiers on Both Sides of the Battlefield Memorial Day. Every year around this time, I re-watch Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima — a pair of films directed by Clint Eastwood and released in 2006. Both tell the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima — “Flags…” from the perspective of the Americans and…
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