Monday Mash-Up
Recommended ResourceAttract a Predictable Stream of Quality Clients My friend Virginia Muzquiz may be the best referrer I know. She’s a referral machine — and a great resource for anyone who wants to grow their business through referrals. Last week, Virginia released a The Referral Alchemy Report — a free resource that reveals how to attract a…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingSeth Godin on the Difference Between a Brand and a Logo “Companies spend way too much time on their logo.” So says Seth Godin who then explains what really makes a brand. Important stuff whether you’re running a multinational corporation or a one-person shop. Watch the video here. Recommended Viewing / ListeningHow to Create Interactive Experiences…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingWhat Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work Dan Ariely is a brilliant behavioral economist (more on him below) who explores what motivates us — at work, when we shop, in our relationships, and more. In this TED talk, Ariely describes two fascinating studies that reveal what drives us in the workplace. Recommended Viewing…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingTim Ferriss and Neil Strauss re: Writing and Creativity Watch the first two minutes of thisĀ video. You’ll hear a brilliant insight about how to develop a productive writing habit. Then keep going. The YouTube video description: “…best-selling author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss sat down with his friend and fellow writer Neil Strauss. Ferriss and…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingHow to Stop Languishing and Start Finding Flow This is aĀ great TED talk! From the YouTube description: Have you found yourself staying up late, joylessly bingeing TV shows and doomscrolling through the news, or simply navigating your day uninspired and aimless? Chances are you’re languishing, says organizational psychologist Adam Grant — a psychic malaise…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingPreferences and Beliefs Are Often Assembled Two questions that get at the same idea — but are actually very different: What age do you expect to live to? What age do you expect to die by? Researchers gathered a random group of subjects and asked half of them the “live to…” question and half…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingPerspective is Everything Rory Sutherland is Vice Chairman at the giant ad agency Ogilvy UK. In this 2011 TED talk, he says several profound and powerful things, including: “Things are not what they are; they are what we think they are.” and “The circumstances of our lives may actually matter less to our happiness…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingThis Video Will Help You Turn Content From Boring to Brilliant Mary K. Sloane and I had a great conversation last week on her Inspirational Influencer News show. If you want to know how to harness the power of storytelling to captivate prospects and inspire them to hire you… …this is a great crash place to…
Read MoreRecommended ViewingSpeaking with Confidence and Selling with Authority My friend Jane M. Powers is a public speaking master who knows how to sell from stage. I learn valuable business-building strategies and tactics every time I hear her speak and talk to her. Here’s a great interview she did with SalesPOP! — a digital magazine that…
Read MoreRecommended Viewing4 (Stoic) Secrets To The Good Life Here’s anotherĀ great videoĀ from Ryan Holiday, author ofĀ “The Daily Stoic” and several other great books. Here’s the video description from Ryan’s YouTube channel: Virtue is one of those words that contains multitudes. If you think about it, being virtuous is not doing one thing all the time, or…
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