Tom Ruwitch


Leonardo DaVinci and I Share This Problem…

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months ago, I was working on a new version of a 60-minute storytelling presentation. I was tinkering and tweaking, adding and adjusting. I wanted to make it “just right,” and that was holding me back. My friend Susan, who was helping me with the presentation, had seen enough. Gently but firmly, she said,…

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[Quick hit video] Close More Sales with Less Pitching and Prodding

By Tom Ruwitch

A new thing today… A quick-hit video with Michael DeLon and me. I was in a meeting with Michael yesterday afternoon, and he said something really smart. I planned to write an email about it. But later yesterday, Michael and I decided to shoot a video about it.  It’s all about how to build personal connections and rapport with prospects BEFORE…

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Why I Keep Reading This Book Over and Over and Over

By Tom Ruwitch

Legend has it that in 1912 Dale “Carnagey” urged the Y.M.C.A in New York to pay him $2/night to teach public speaking to business people… …and the Y.M.C.A. told him to get lost. The Y had offered such courses before, and they always flopped.  But he was ambitious, and he had a vision.  So he…

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Monday Mash-Up ~ 2022.08.08

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Viewing4 (Stoic) Secrets To The Good Life Here’s another great video from Ryan Holiday, author of “The Daily Stoic” and several other great books. Here’s the video description from Ryan’s YouTube channel: Virtue is one of those words that contains multitudes. If you think about it, being virtuous is not doing one thing all the time, or…

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D’oh! I Forgot To. Tell You About the $400 Discount

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday, when I told you about Vance Morris and his DBOS 2022 Live Bootcamp (November 2-4 in Baltimore), I forgot to mention three critical things: DBOS stands for “The Definitive Business Operating System.”  The system Vance will share at the event is the same one he has implemented for his own business. This system transformed…

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How to Thrive, Not Just Survive, During These Crazy days…

By Tom Ruwitch

Last week, my friend Vance Morris told me about all the great stuff that will happen at his upcoming business-building bootcamp, and then he dropped this bombshell: “I’m getting away from being the ‘Disney Guy.’”  Holy Richter-scale, Batman. That shook my world.  Vance Morris is a former Disney executive who is the world’s leading authority…

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The Problem With “Look at Me…” Origin Stories

By Tom Ruwitch

I read an article this morning in one of those big-time business magazines about “how to create an unforgettable origin story.” It was kinda forgettable.  It contained lots of dos and don’ts… …be honest… …don’t just list a chronology of events… …include specific details… …describe a vivid moment… …and so on, and so forth.  But…

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Why I’m a Shameless Self-promoter (And Why You Should be, Too)

By Tom Ruwitch

A self-proclaimed “respectful” reader reacts to yesterday’s email about Bill Russell and dominating presence…. “This one was a bit self-serving – don’t you think?” Here’s what I think… Oh no! The jig is up.I’ve been exposed.My evil scheme is foiled.  Oh wait… …check that… That’s not what MEthinks.  That’s what HE thinks.  Turns out he…

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You Can Be a Dominating Marketing Presence. Here’s How…

By Tom Ruwitch

When basketball great Bill Russell died on Sunday, I spent a couple of hours reading about him, watching videos, and searching for his quotes. He said lots of memorable things.  But here’s the quote that stood out, the one I included in yesterday’s Monday Mash-Up:  “What distinguishes a great player is his presence. When he…

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Monday Mash-Up 2022.08.01

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended ViewingSam’s Philosophy for a Happy Life Thanks to Tim Ferriss for introducing me to this extraordinary TED talk video, featuring Sam Berns. Sam delivered this talk in December 2013, about one month before he passed away. He was 17. When he was 2, he was diagnosed with Progeria, a rare, rapid aging disease. In…

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