In a moment, I’m going to tell you how to get a free copy of my upcoming book. But first… …another sneak peek, this from Chapter 7… I asked ChatGPT recently, “How often should I sell in my emails?” The robot hemmed and hawed a bit before saying, “A common approach is to follow the…
Read MoreI crossed paths this morning with a coach who struggles to turn prospects into clients. Over the past month, she struck out seven times in a row with prospects who met with her (four) or talked with her (three). Her take? “Society” doesn’t understand what coaches do or, worse yet, there are “social prejudices” against…
Read MoreI stumbled upon a content marketing cage fight this morning. In one corner, the “brand awareness” marketers. In the other corner, the “bottom line marketers.” It went like this… A frustrated marketing assistant posted on a discussion board about his TikTok efforts. He’s grown his company’s TikTok followers from 1,831 to 2,047, but his bosses…
Read MoreAnother episode of Business Lessons from the Dispensary… In yesterday’s episode, I shared the tale of a dispensary in Baltimore that took product demos to new highs. Read that here. Marketing master (and Story Power email subscriber) Ted Prodromou chimed in on LinkedIn and said my story reminded him of this one… In 2018, a savvy Girl…
Read MoreIn the second session of my coming-soon Content Marketing Masters, I’m going to dive deep into lead-generation and list-building — how to turn your website, social media pages, and other “real estate” into list-building machines. Here’s why… I know a bazillion business owners who tell me they want to grow their email lists (smart). But when I…
Read MoreI met yesterday with a marketing agency owner named Nancy who told me a client-from-hell story. The client hired Nancy to flood his website with new leads. Nancy delivered. But when those leads landed on the site, they had just one option: Call to buy. The client’s phone didn’t ring so he fired Nancy. She…
Read MoreI know a business coach who’s great at what she does but struggles to sell it. We’re in a mastermind group together, and during our last meeting she asked how to promote her new program. Ideas flew around the Zoom room — mostly about ways to get new leads. “Try Pinterest,” someone suggested. And then…
Read MoreWise marketer Neville Medhora inspired me this morning. He sent me an email listing many of the “next hot things” he’s seen as he’s been reelin’ through the years… Digg, Craigslist, Del-icio-us, Orkut, MySpace, Xanga, Geocities, Friendster, Periscope, Instagram Posts, Instagram Stories, Instagram TV, YouTube, Vine, SnapChat, Twitter, Clubhouse, TikTok, Instagram Shorts, YouTube Shorts, BeReal.…
Read MoreA quick story about the awesome selling power of social media… …or lack thereof: Last month, I heard Kim Garst speak. She’s a Forbes top 10 Social Media Power Influencer with 23,364 followers on LinkedIn. And she said this: “I’m known for social media,but only 3% of my salescome from social media.” As Scooby Doo’s…
Read MoreLast month, I met with a VIP member of my Content Transformation Academy to help her tune-up her sales funnel. Sarah worried she might be turning away good prospects. She’s a business coach who offers a free discovery session to prospects. They have to complete a form to schedule that session. And that form asks…
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