Good Examples


Why You Should Celebrate The Impact You Make

By Tom Ruwitch

Marketing master Dave Dee sent his list a great email yesterday. With his permission, I share it now… I have a simple question for you. Is your business a force for good in the world? I don’t mean that metaphysically. Instead, do you genuinely help people solve problems and help them get the outcomes they…

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The “One Thing” That’s Helped me More Than Any Other…

By Tom Ruwitch

I have a stack of newsletters Dan Kennedy wrote in 2001 – when the economy was “bad” and most business owners were in retreat.  In the August 2001 issue, Dan told a story about a business owner who refused to invest in his “Magnetic Marketing” program.  The business owner said, “If I did (purchase it),…

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Conventional Wis-dumb Gets This Wrong About Email Engagement…

By Tom Ruwitch

My fat fingers flubbed my email delivery this weekend.  I drafted my Monday Mash-Up on Sunday and meant to schedule it for delivery on Monday morning. But when I clicked through the wizard to schedule delivery, I accidentally clicked “send now…” …and away my “Monday…” email went… …on Sunday morning.  (D’oh!)  Conventional wisdom says Sunday is a…

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How the “Hello Kitty Effect” Can Help you Grow Your Biz

By Tom Ruwitch

Marketing legend Joe Polish has more money than Thurston Howell III, and he carries some of that dough in – get this – his Hello Kitty wallet.  Yeah, I said, “Hello Kitty,” as in this cat… He got the wallet from his pal Dean Jackson who also carries Kitty in his pocket.  On page 144…

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How to Become More Valuable — the Joe Polish Way

By Tom Ruwitch

I’m reading Joe Polish’s new book, What’s In It For Them?, and it’s going slowly. Not because I dislike the book. (I  it) It’s going slowly because Joe drops truth bombs on every page. I pause to ponder, backtrack to reread, and highlight to note the best nuggets. Here’s one from page 104: To have people consider you…

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How to Offer Audiences Content They Can’t Refuse…

By Tom Ruwitch

A story about the making of The Godfather… When Francis Ford Coppola created the film,his first cut was more than 2.5 hours long.  Paramount bean counters demanded he chop it down to under 2 hours.   Audiences wouldn’t sit through a movie longer than 2 hours, they argued. And a longer movie meant fewer screenings per day……

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The Best Way Ever to Do Everything You Want to Do Always

By Tom Ruwitch

I got the “best way” blues.  Last night, I browsed my Gmail promotions tab and found email after email after email touting the “BEST WAY” to build a thriving, sustainable business.  One email said: “Mastering profitable webinars and online events are the best way to consistently generate leads and sales for your business.”  Another insisted:…

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Why Uncommon Wins…

By Tom Ruwitch

I read a story yesterday about a nun in Los Angeles who made art from common things. A Wonder bread logo expanded into a screen print about taking communion.  The “G” from General Mills slogan “The Big G Stands for Goodness” transformed into a reference to God.  The Safeway logo cut in two to create…

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Why I Exercise My Noticing Muscles

By Tom Ruwitch

Great creators notice. Habitually. They open their eyes and ears. They smell and touch. They pay attention.  They record what they notice in their memory banks and journals. In sketchbooks and note-taking apps. In spreadsheets and on napkins.  And they draw from what they’ve gathered to create something meaningful. A song. A painting. A story.…

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How Smart Marketers Turn Pain Into (Mutual) Gain

By Tom Ruwitch

It was the worst of times, it was the best of times. A tale of two doctors.  The first doctor was an orthopedist who “diagnosed” the pain in my forearm by telling me what it wasn’t.  I thought I might have a pinched nerve in my shoulder.  “No, you’re wrong,” she said. (She pulled that…

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