Good Examples


How Do You Get People to Open Your Emails?

By Tom Ruwitch

Last month, I sent an email encouraging subscribers to answer a few questions: Why do you subscribe to my list and open these emails? What do you hope to learn/accomplish here? Any marketing questions/challenges youā€™d like me to address in future emails? I got a ton of great feedback and questions, including this one from…

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How Tim Ferriss Named “The 4-Hour Workweek”

By Tom Ruwitch

After his bookĀ The 4-Hour WorkweekĀ became an international bestseller, Tim Ferriss told an interviewer he wanted to name the bookĀ The 3-Hour Workweekā€¦ …But, Ferriss quipped, ā€œMy publisher thought ā€˜3-Hour Workweekā€™ was unrealistic.ā€ Ha! Iā€™ve read the The 4-Hour Workweek a few times. Itā€™s loaded with valuable lessons. But the most valuable lesson is one not even in the…

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How I Evolved From Procrastinator to Implementer

By Tom Ruwitch

I recently noticed a new signature section at the bottom of emails from Dave Dee, one of my favorite marketing experts. The section described several ways prospective clients can connect and do business with him. Not a hard pitch, just a short catalog of available opportunities. I liked it so I asked Dave about it…

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Her Email Was Great. So I Swiped It.

By Tom Ruwitch

Last week, I subscribed to a great email newsletter by Ann Handley. I immediately received a thank you email from Ann thatā€™s so good, I swiped it for my own biz. In that email she: Thanked me for subscribing. Told me what she will send and when. Shared some examples of archived emails. Shared simple instructions to…

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Priceless Marketing Lessons From Soggy Sweat

By Tom Ruwitch

Hereā€™s a fun fact that could win you a bar bet: Mississippi was the one-and-only state to continue prohibiting alcohol after the 18th Amendment repealed federal prohibition in 1933. Prohibition continued in ā€œThe Magnolia Stateā€ until 1966. Another fun fact: A guy named Noah ā€œSoggyā€ Sweat (you canā€™t make this stuff up) delivered the most…

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Why do Prospects Hire You?

By Tom Ruwitch

Before he became a famous and wealthy editor of Ladiesā€™ Home Journal, Edward Bok was just another depression-era kid trying to scrape together some money for his ill mother. He was standing outside of a bakery, watching as the baker put cakes and cookies in the window display. The baker asked young Edward, ā€œDonā€™t they look…

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How My Hungry Dog Can Help Your Business Grow

By Tom Ruwitch

My dog, Moose, likes to spend most of his time standing still as a statue, staring at the treetops. Thatā€™s where the squirrels are. In the treetops. Moose stands in the backyard. Staring and staring and staring. Waiting for one squirrel, just one, to fall from a tree so he can pounce. Iā€™ve never seen…

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How to Tell the Difference Between a Winning and Losing Headline

By Tom Ruwitch

In the 1920ā€™s, a copywriter named Max Sackheim wrote an advertisement for a book entitled, ā€œHow to Master Good English in 15 Minutes a Day,ā€ by Sherwin Cody. It was one of the most successful direct response advertisements ever written. The publisher hired other copywriters to try and outdo Sackheimā€™s. But every time they tested…

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Marketing Lessons From a Lovesick Teenager

By Tom Ruwitch

When I was a lovesick teenage boy, I listened to one song more than any other: ā€œDon’t Let Me Be Misunderstoodā€ by the Animals. It usually worked like this: I had a crush on a girl. She didnā€™t have a crush on me. That made me sad. Iā€™d come home from school, close my bedroom…

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Don’t Take My Word For it, But Believe This…

By Tom Ruwitch

First a music recommendation and then a business lesson… I’m a big fan of Aaron Lee Tasjan. I recommend all of his albums, including his new one “Tasjan! Tasjan! Tasjan!”Maybe you’ve heard of him. Maybe you haven’t.Maybe my recommendation influences you. Maybe it doesn’t. But don’t take my word for it. Check this out… That’s this…

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