

Borrowing Email Lists Greitens Etc.

By Tom Ruwitch

The meeting went off the rails when I asked, ā€œHow are you going to build your email list?ā€ The nonprofit executive director replied, ā€œWeā€™re going to borrow lists from some other nonprofits we partner with.ā€ ā€œI recommend against that,ā€ I said. ā€œBut we do that all the time with direct (postal) mail,ā€ she said. I…

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Red Delicious Apple

By Tom Ruwitch

The last time I ate a Red Delicious apple, I thought, ā€œHmmm. ā€˜Red Delicious?ā€™ Thatā€™s half-true. Red? Yes. Delicious? Not so muchā€™?ā€ Bad texture. Bland taste. All beauty. No substance. How can something so pretty and shiny be so terrible? I discovered the nasty secret in thisĀ great articleĀ in The Atlantic. Reds used to be delicious.…

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Dump the Grammar Guide

By Tom Ruwitch

Back in high school I had a basketball coach who didnā€™t win any spelling bees or grammar contests. Once, after we failed to run the play he called during practice, he stormed onto the court, screaming: ā€œJeez, yous guys! Donā€™t you know the American language!?ā€ Smart-ass kids that we were, we used to mock Coach…

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