Tom Ruwitch


A Missed Opportunity For Him, a Great Opportunity for You

By Tom Ruwitch

A true story about lead generation gone wrong (followed by an invitation): Once upon a time, an ambitious business owner created a free giveaway to attract new leads. His target market loved his “lead magnet.” 8,000 signed up and gave the business owner their email addresses. (8,000! That’s a good lead magnet). Then the business…

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Let’s Remember the Lesser-known Everest Climber

By Tom Ruwitch

On this day in 1953, Edmund Hillary became the first man to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. One week later, Queen Elizabeth knighted the climber. History remembers and honors Sir Edmund Hillary — especially in the Western Hemisphere. Tenzing Norgay? Not so much. “Who’s Tenzing Norgay?” you ask. He’s the Sherpa who accompanied Hillary…

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Robotic “Personalization” Gone Wrong

By Tom Ruwitch

It’s time for another episode of Spammy Spam and the Spammers who Spam Me. This turd of an AI-powered email plopped into my inbox over the weekend: Hi Tom, As you celebrated the success of your Mastermind Book Club Co-Founder role at Story Power Marketing, I’m excited to share that your team’s efforts in transforming…

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Last Chance to Join my Robot and Me…

By Tom Ruwitch

Last chance to register for today’s masterclass. Here’s one last tale that might entice you to attend… My GPT-powered copywriting robot, “B-9?” is nervous. Later today, I’m going to put him on the spot to demonstrate how… …AI can help you generate a flood of story ideas… …so you save time while producing more and better…

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Brian Tracy’s Secret for a 1000%-return…

By Tom Ruwitch

Reason #137 to attend tomorrow’s complimentary masterclass The Proven P.L.A.N. to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content — Without Writer’s Block… “Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent Return on Energy!” Brian Tracy said that. ⬆⬆⬆ I’m not keen to correct an all-time great like Brian Tracy, but… …when…

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You’re Not Crazy; You Just Need This…

By Tom Ruwitch

If you’ve ever sat in front of a blank computer screen… …hoping to conjure some words for an email, social post, or other content… …but you come up blank… Dr. Edmund Bergler thinks you’re crazy  Dr. B. was an Austrian-born American psychoanalyst who claimed to have coined the phrase “writer’s block” in 1947. In 1950, he published…

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How to Market Like a Girl — an American Girl…

By Tom Ruwitch

Around the turn of the millennium, when our twins were six, Melissa took them to American Girl Place in Chicago. Maddie had a small family of American Girl dolls — Molly, Kirsten, and Samantha. Molly was her favorite, so she tagged along on the Chicago adventure. American Girl Molly (I skipped the fun and went,…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.20

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Events  Free Masterclass to Create Better Content — Without Getting Stuck I’m hosting a masterclass on Friday called: “The P.L.A.N. to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content — Without Getting Writer’s Block.” I’ll reveal my simple, four-part framework to create content that always speaks to your audience and draws them in. I’ll show you how to…

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“17 Steps” Really!? 😖

By Tom Ruwitch

I visited an online marketing forum this morning and saw this headline: “My 17-step process for writing really good blog posts that people will ACTUALLY read.” Wow! 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 –…

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Will This Offer Be a Hit, Man?

By Tom Ruwitch

Want to get 1 hour of complimentary consulting time — to pick my brain about any marketing thing you want? Read on. Even if you don’t want my free help, read on. This one’s a hoot… Here’s a headline that caught my eye: “Florida Woman Allegedly Used ‘Rent-A-Hitman’ Parody Site in Effort to Hire Killer…”…

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