Tom Ruwitch


Will This Offer Be a Hit, Man?

By Tom Ruwitch

Want to get 1 hour of complimentary consulting time — to pick my brain about any marketing thing you want? Read on. Even if you don’t want my free help, read on. This one’s a hoot… Here’s a headline that caught my eye: “Florida Woman Allegedly Used ā€˜Rent-A-Hitmanā€™ Parody Site in Effort to Hire Killer…”…

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I Know It’s a “Holiday,” But I Think I’ll Pass…

By Tom Ruwitch

Blow the horn and tap the tambourine.Ā Ā Ā It’s International Customer Support Day. You can thank Microsoft for adding this occasion to our list of pseudo holidays. Back in 2019, MS held an internal celebration to recognize the efforts and challenges faced by its support teams. According to my handy-dandy strange holidays website, “Due to its success…

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The Cicada Marketing Method

By Tom Ruwitch

They’re here. The cicadas, that is. For the past 13 years, billions of cicada nymphs have lived underground in the central USA, sipping sap from tree roots… …waiting… …and waiting… …and waiting… …until they emerge from the ground… …climb onto a tree trunk, branch, or leaf… …and transform into a winged adult. Then they find…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.13

By Tom Ruwitch

Did You See the Lights? I blew it. I didn’t get outside on Friday night to see the “Northern Lights” in the sky above St. Louis, MO. USA. I have friends and relatives who saw them. How about you? Send me a picture if you captured one. (The stock photo above is nice, but I’d…

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Bizarro: Humans in Bear Suits? Robots in Human Suits?

By Tom Ruwitch

Ripped from the headlines: A zoo in Hangzhou, China had to prove its Malayan sun bear, named Angela, is actually a bear — not a human in a bear suit. Turns out Angela has a wrinkly butt. So when she stood on her hind legs and waved at zoo visitors (yep, sun bears can do…

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Marketing Lessons From Butcher Surgeon Who Botched the Job

By Tom Ruwitch

Quick note before the story: In case you missed it yesterday, for a limited time, you can join Club Storyville for free (7-day trial) here. Give it a try. It won’t cost you a penny. Details and sign-upĀ here. (Now back to our regularly scheduled program…) I once met a marketing “guru” who advised me to…

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The “Stolen” Masterpiece Marketing Method…

By Tom Ruwitch

Here’s a little-known detail about the “most successful sales letter in history:” The letter’s copywriter stole borrowed the idea. The writer in question: Martin Conroy. The letter: The Wall Street Journal’s “Two Young Men.” The set up: Two young men went to college together. Both were better than average students. They lived in the same town. They were happily…

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Biz Lessons From a Bowl of Bisque

By Tom Ruwitch

Half way through the six-course tasting menu, our server, Shekeba, arrived at our table with a surprise gift. “It’s carrot bisque with lobster claw,” she said. “A ‘thank you’ for being so patient.” Shekeba is the wife of Chef Andy Hyde, and on Saturday they scrambled to deliver a 5-star dining experience at their restaurant,…

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club storyville

RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.05.06

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Reading Ā Kevin Kelly’s “101 Additional Advices”Thanks to Tim Ferriss for sharing this post in his 5-Bullet Friday email. Here’s Kevin’s introduction to the list: “Six years ago I celebrated my 68th birthday by gifting my children 68 bits of advice I wished I had gotten when I was their age. Every birthday after that…

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Your Best Laid Plans are Worthless Unless…

By Tom Ruwitch

I’m on Marco Island, Florida this week for some sun bathingĀ , beach walkingĀ , and mastermindingĀ . I can’t share most names and details from the mastermind sessions because… …you know… …what happens in mastermind stays in mastermind. But I can share this scene from yesterday’s session (because it contains a valuable business lesson for all of…

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