Tom Ruwitch
Interesting question: Which work “better” for marketing — negative stories or positive ones? I hear this question often, and I heard it again yesterday after I finished a live webinar. Most who ask this question tell me they prefer positive stories. They don’t want to dish out negative stories. That’s “fear-based marketing” they say. And…
Read MoreAstronaut Buzz Aldrin took this picture 54 years ago today (July 20) while he and Neil Armstrong were walking on the moon… I was four years old and watched the moon walk on TV. One of my earliest and fondest memories. So it rocked my world a few years back when I saw a Facebook…
Read MoreLast night, I saw Jeff Tweedy at the Sheldon Concert Hall in St. Louis. He’s one of my favorite singer / songwriters. And he’s the lead singer of one of my favorite bands, Wilco. Great concert — even though halfway through, he f’d-up it. Here’s how that went down… He told us he wanted to…
Read MoreHow’s this for ironic… Last week, a guy pitching marketing services for pest control companies began bugging me on LinkedIn. He first buzzed by on Wednesday: : “Hey Tom, let’s connect! – I’ve worked with a lot of folks in pest control and thought maybe I could be of help to you.” Pest control?!? This guy was…
Read MoreBefore we get to the RecomMONDAYtions… Please do me a favor… If you like being in my online family, please spread the love by sharing this or one of my other story-powered emails who might like it, too. Simple process: Your friend will thank you — as will I. I’m grateful your on my list and for…
Read MoreA few days ago, I received an email from an author whose list I joined after I read his book. I hadn’t heard from him in months. For three months after I joined his list, I received a few scattered emails, but then… …crickets. 🦗 🦗 🦗 Poor guy. He built so much momentum with…
Read MoreI spent part of my morning swatting pitchy pests from my LinkedIn message box. Yesterday, I set off the swarm when I accepted several connection requests. 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 🪰 Sib: Is there any opportunity for me to design and develop websites for you? Me: Buh-bye SWAT! Oscar: (Via audio message)…
Read MoreYesterday I emailed you a cautionary tale about a job-seeker who caused a pee-pee spill at 7-Eleven (If you missed it, search for subject line: “Urine trouble”). I shared that story in another email back in 2018. Many of the people on my list today received that email. But none wrote yesterday and said, “Hey!…
Read MoreIt’s National 7-Eleven Day (July 11)… …which means you can get a free Slurpee® at your neighborhood convenience store (thank heaven) , but… Do NOT get one of those microwaveable burritos… …or, if you must, nuke it in the microwave at home or the office. I stopped using 7-Eleven microwaves after hearing this story, ripped straight from…
Read MoreBook Highly Recommended: Jerry Weintraub’s Incredible AutobiographyI have fallen in love with this book: When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead: Useful Stories from a Persuasive Man, by Jerry Weinbtraub. I wrote an email about it last week after I read Chapter 1. It gets better with each chapter. (Thanks to Brian Kurtz for recommending this in…
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