Why Story Power


I’ve Got a Bad Case of Palace Envy

By Tom Ruwitch

My new neighbors are making me look bad. They moved in over the summer and immediately began pumping big bucks into their century old house.  A new roof. Fresh paint. Landscaping makeover.  And that’s just what we can see from the front of their house.  Yesterday, as I returned from walking my mutt Moose around…

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You Can Choose to Stand Out. Here’s How…

By Tom Ruwitch

It happened again yesterday. Another expert-in-his-field told me he doesn’t have what it takes to generate creative content and powerful business-building stories.  Another struggling business owner who wants to be a stand-out in a crowded market but decided, without trying, that he is a storytelling washout.  Another man left on the sidelines watching others play…

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The Tragic, Cautionary Tale of a Speaker Known as Boring

By Tom Ruwitch

There’s an old legend about an up-and-coming motivational speaker who joined the National Speakers Bureau and hired an agent to book gigs. The speaker’s name: William Boring.  The agent begged the speaker to change his name.  “No one will put you on stage with that name,” the agent said.  Reluctantly, the speaker hired a lawyer,…

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Email Away — as Long as You Don’t Drop Boredom Bombs

By Tom Ruwitch

I spoke yesterday to a business owner who doesn’t like getting emails… …so she doesn’t want to send them. “I’ll be honest about email lists or subscriptions,” she said. “I don’t really like being on them. because I always feel like I’m being bombarded by emails…So I’m only intending to send (email) out once a…

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Why Your Rags-to-riches Story Will Fall Flat

By Tom Ruwitch

Raise your hand if you feel an emotional connection with Amazon because you’re drawn to founder Jeff Bezos’s origin story. (Me neither) Why do I ask?  Because I read yet another article about storytelling in one of those big-time business magazines that dished out rotten advice. The article said… “Online shopping behemoth Amazon is another…

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The Problem With “Look at Me…” Origin Stories

By Tom Ruwitch

I read an article this morning in one of those big-time business magazines about “how to create an unforgettable origin story.” It was kinda forgettable.  It contained lots of dos and don’ts… …be honest… …don’t just list a chronology of events… …include specific details… …describe a vivid moment… …and so on, and so forth.  But…

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Why I’m a Shameless Self-promoter (And Why You Should be, Too)

By Tom Ruwitch

A self-proclaimed “respectful” reader reacts to yesterday’s email about Bill Russell and dominating presence…. “This one was a bit self-serving – don’t you think?” Here’s what I think… Oh no! The jig is up.I’ve been exposed.My evil scheme is foiled.  Oh wait… …check that… That’s not what MEthinks.  That’s what HE thinks.  Turns out he…

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You Can Be a Dominating Marketing Presence. Here’s How…

By Tom Ruwitch

When basketball great Bill Russell died on Sunday, I spent a couple of hours reading about him, watching videos, and searching for his quotes. He said lots of memorable things.  But here’s the quote that stood out, the one I included in yesterday’s Monday Mash-Up:  “What distinguishes a great player is his presence. When he…

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Why a Would-be Subscriber Transformed from Hesitant to Happy

By Tom Ruwitch

The meeting with my new friend, Erica, was rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ along.   We agreed to promote each other’s businesses. We discussed ways we might work together. We hit it off. But when I asked Erica if she’d like to join my daily(ish) email list… …we went from rollin’ to reelin’.  We went from “Yes!…

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Why Cassette-loving Radicals are Raging Against the Machine…or Not

By Tom Ruwitch

On my 14th birthday, Mom and Dad gave me two 10-packs of Maxell XLII-S cassette tapes. Yes!!!!!!!!!! Greatest birthday gift ever.  Back in the early 80s, before CDs or MP3s were a thing, cassettes were THE thing.  Affordable. Portable. Swappable. Indispensable. High-fidelity cool I raided my friends’ record collections and taped my favorite albums. I…

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