Mindset – Inner Game


Recommended Reading and Big Lessons re: What You Control

By Tom Ruwitch

Roughly once a year, I read  Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.   Frankl was a Holocaust survivor who later wrote about his experiences as a prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp.   The book is heavy stuff, yes. But it’s also full of huge lessons for business and life.   These are strange days. Many call them “dark…

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When Having a Bad Day, Consider Adolphe Sax’s Story…

By Tom Ruwitch

Last week, I had one of those days when nothing went right.   It made me grumpy. And as I grumped around, I focused more on feeling sorry for myself and less on staying focused and productive.   That made it worse. I got past it, but it made me think about how easy it is to…

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How Jerry Seinfeld Helped to Reset my Mindset

By Tom Ruwitch

60 Minutes presented an interview with Jerry Seinfeld on Sunday, and it was great.  Here’s the link to the video.  Seinfeld said so many funny, profound, and wise things. I’ve rewatched it three times.  And now I’m sharing some of the highlights.  Asked if Covid has killed New York, he scoffed and said: “When you were…

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Turn Frustration to Fascination and Good Things Happen

By Tom Ruwitch

I’m enjoying a book called “Blessed Beyond Measure,” by Dr. Tom Hill.   On page 69, Dr. Hill offers an idea that got my attention: Some time ago, I intentionally began using the word “fascinated” when I felt like saying something frustrated me…I realized the frustrating quality of situations causing me to feel frustrated naturally include a legitimate…

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Fear in Your Marketing…

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months ago, my wife and I woke to a loud “thud.”  She thought the sound came from inside the house… …and, for her, that meant trouble.  “What was that!?” she asked, sounding a little frantic.  We live in the city and crime is a thing so I don’t blame her for worrying.  I…

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Why Sales “Hunters” Bag Fewer Long-Lasting Clients

By Tom Ruwitch

A few years back, I met with a prospect about a massive project. The meeting went well. I remember thinking as the meeting moved along, “I’m CRUSHING it.” Before I left, they committed to hire me. I returned to the office, shared the news with my team, and slapped high fives all around. “Way to…

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Spiderman Reveals the Difference Between Manipulation and Persuasion

By Tom Ruwitch

I love the scene in the Spiderman movie (the first one with Tobey Maguire) when Uncle Ben tells Peter, “With great power comes great responsibility.”  That’s true for super heroes.  That’s also true for marketers.  I’m working on a revised and expanded version of a free resource I created a few years back called “7 Ways…

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Car Wash Story

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months ago, I asked my 21-year-old daughter to help me lug trash from the three barrels next to our house to the dumpster in the alley. She was home from college for a couple of weeks, and I thought she could pitch in. She shot me one of those looks that said, “Dad,…

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