Good Examples


Screening Prospects? Why Harsh is Good…

By Tom Ruwitch

Last month, I met with a VIP member of my Content Transformation Academy to help her tune-up her sales funnel. Sarah worried she might be turning away good prospects.  She’s a business coach who offers a free discovery session to prospects.  They have to complete a form to schedule that session. And that form asks…

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Why Faster and Shorter Isn’t Always Better

By Tom Ruwitch

Storytelling standout Bill Mueller shared a tale recently about a critic who told him “I don’t read emails with long copy.” Said the critic: “98% of the people who open email give you 3 seconds of their time.”  That caught my eye… …because I write… …ummm… …you know.  Still with me?  Depending on your reading…

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Why This Marketing Legend Never Bought a Blimp

By Tom Ruwitch

I heard Dan Kennedy say this yesterday… “I believe in brand. I have brands of my own that I relied on my entire career – starting with ‘No BS…’ But I’ve never spent a nickel trying to BUY awareness for that brand…Instead of spending money, figure out ways to get paid to build a valuable…

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Why an All-time Fail-er Belongs in the Hall-of-Fame

By Tom Ruwitch

Earlier this week, I watched Albert Pujols fail – twice. Major League Baseball at Wrigley Field in Chicago. Pujols and the St. Louis Cardinals against the Chicago Cubs.  First failure: Top of the 4th inning, runner on first base with no one out. Pujols grounds into a double-play. One swing. Two outs. Nothing doing for…

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Marketing Lessons From Horny Man-bats and Two-legged Beavers

By Tom Ruwitch

Imagine pouring your first cup of coffee, grabbing the morning paper, and reading the news: There’s life on the moon.  So it went on this day (August 25) in 1835 for readers of the New York Sun.  In a series of six articles published over one week, the paper reported that English astronomer John Herschel built…

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Warning: Funny Stuff Enclosed…

By Tom Ruwitch

My friend Mike walked into his boss’s office last week and said, “I know the economy’s a little shaky right now. But I have three companies after me, and I’ve come to ask for a raise.” He and his boss haggled for a few minutes before agreeing that Mike would get a 5% raise.  As…

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Leonardo DaVinci and I Share This Problem…

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months ago, I was working on a new version of a 60-minute storytelling presentation. I was tinkering and tweaking, adding and adjusting. I wanted to make it “just right,” and that was holding me back. My friend Susan, who was helping me with the presentation, had seen enough. Gently but firmly, she said,…

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Why I’m a Shameless Self-promoter (And Why You Should be, Too)

By Tom Ruwitch

A self-proclaimed “respectful” reader reacts to yesterday’s email about Bill Russell and dominating presence…. “This one was a bit self-serving – don’t you think?” Here’s what I think… Oh no! The jig is up.I’ve been exposed.My evil scheme is foiled.  Oh wait… …check that… That’s not what MEthinks.  That’s what HE thinks.  Turns out he…

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Do Not Read This If You Dislike “Bad Grammar”

By Tom Ruwitch

Funny story I heard from Laura Belgray…. (She’s an email marketing master who writes copy oozing with personality.) In her email this morning, Laura told us about her run-in with a grammar cop.  Officer Grammar Grump is a lawyer who objected to a phrase in Laura’s previous email. Laura’s offending phrase: “Looking forward to seeing…

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My Ancestor’s Incredible Journey and How it Instructs Yours…

By Tom Ruwitch

My great-great grandfather Joseph Ruwitch was born in 1852 in a place known today as Ukraine. Back then it was part of Russia – an area called the Pale of Settlement.  It was a massive place created by Tzar Catherine the Great. It was a place the government set aside for Jews… …a place to…

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