

Why Goldfishes Don’t Dig My Emails and Me…

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday’s email included a quiz to see if you could tell the difference between posts written by an AI robot and a human. At the very bottom of the email, I wrote: “How’d you do on the test? Reply to this email to let me know (and to share your thoughts about robots and such).” Lots of…

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Is it Real or is it Robot? Can You Pass The Test?

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday, during a live speaking gig, I gave the audience a test to see if they could tell the difference between robot-generated and human-generated content. They flunked.  Here’s how it went down.  I told them about an executive coach who helps business owners escape the hamster wheel. Before she hired me, she wrote a blog…

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Why Copycat Marketers Give Me The Deja-blues

By Tom Ruwitch

I’m having a deja-deja-deja-vu… …thanks to some copycat marketers who filled my inbox with promotions for an upcoming summit. This story is tricky to tell because some of the copycats are my marketing pals who get my emails. I worry they may read this and ask me to return the holiday fruit cake they sent…

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“Flabbergasting” Marketing Flubs And How to Avoid Them…

By Tom Ruwitch

I’m on the train from Paris to Frankfurt, winding down my vacation and catching up on email… …and wondering what I’m going to send you and my other subscriber friends today. Lo and behold, the very first email I read contains a little gem of a story that’s just the kind of tale worth sharing…

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She Said I Make Her Grimace – and That Felt so Good

By Tom Ruwitch

Last month, an accomplished, intelligent business woman named Brooke told me I make her grimace. And good golly, Miss Molly, that made me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Once upon a time, I might have sulked if someone put “Tom Ruwitch” and “grimace” in the same sentence – especially a female someone.  But not…

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A Peek into the Hamper of my Dirty Relationship Laundry

By Tom Ruwitch

A new-ish subscriber named Dave chimed in yesterday with high praise and… …a complaint. “I love your emails, but I cannot keep up with them, as they come so often.” Ahhhh…the give-and-take of daily-ish, info-taining emails.  You love them, but they’re…ummmm…too much of a good thing.  Dave continues… “I don’t want to jump off your…

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Write This Way (How The World’s Fastest Copywriter Escaped Corporate Idiocy)

By Tom Ruwitch

In yesterday’s email, I told you how Jack Turk quit his job at Microsoft to become a party magician and, later, “The World’s Fastest Copywriter.” Last night, over cocktails at the hotel bar in Baltimore, I learned the story behind that story.  Our new friend Al asked Jack, “Why’d you quit your  job at Microsoft?” …

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The Secret to Motivate Prospects to Buy

By Tom Ruwitch

On his 50th birthday, Jack Turk marched into his boss’s office at Microsoft and quit his job as a game writer and project manager. So began his career as a… …party magician.  (Holy Pay Cut, Batman!) Now, instead of getting a regular paycheck from Bill Gates, Jack was clawing for gigs, fighting to earn a…

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How to Inspire Would-be Subscribers to Say, “I Must Sign Up…”

By Tom Ruwitch

Wow! I touched a nerve this week when I asked y’all about list building (here’s the email in case you missed it).  So many questions from aspiring list-builders… …including this one (which was similar to several I received):  “What can one say that would make someone feel ‘I must subscribe right away?’” I visited her…

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A Request for a Quick Favor…And an Offer to Give Share Some Advice…

By Tom Ruwitch

In a couple of hours, I’ll be a speaker at a live business seminar. The topic: Email list building. As I put the finishing touches on my presentation, I thought, “This is good stuff. Good enough to include in a course.”  And so was born my idea to create a short course on lead generation…

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