Tom Ruwitch


Beware of These Make-Me-Gag Marketing Pitches…

By Tom Ruwitch

I was eating breakfast the other morning and nearly choked.   It wasnā€™t the spinach and salsa omelette that did it (although that jalapeno salsa made me sweat a little).   No, it was the email that landed in my inbox…  …with yet another breathless, over-hyped, meaningless statisticā€¦  …about yet another canā€™t-miss digital marketing channel.   Hereā€™s the…

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This Milkshake Mishap Reveals Mucho About Marketing…

By Tom Ruwitch

When my daughter suggested last night that we order delivery from Shake Shackā€¦  …rather than have yet another night of leftover turkey for dinnerā€¦  …I thought, ā€œThatā€™s the greatest idea EVER!ā€   Red meat, topped with bacon and orange cheese. Yum.   But what really had my mouth watering was the thought of that shakeā€¦  …that sweet,…

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This Email Made Me Laugh — For The Wrong Reasons…

By Tom Ruwitch

Every so often, I browse my junk email folder to see what the spammers are up to.  I always come across something that makes me roll my eyes and chuckleā€¦  …like this one from a lender:   Subject line: Equipment Financing Thatā€™s it.  No website address. No call to action. No benefits. No story. No nothing…

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Deliberate Gratitude

By Tom Ruwitch

A few years ago, I regularly posted ā€œGratitude Snippetsā€ on Facebook. They were short posts. Expressions of appreciation for people and thingsā€¦  …a beautiful dayā€¦  …a restaurant server who went the extra mileā€¦  …a mail carrier who braved snow and rain to make the deliveryā€¦  …a song that brightened my mood…  …a colleague who offered…

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I Love This Billboard…

By Tom Ruwitch

For three years, I never opened my mouth when I smiled. That was from 1978 through 1980.   Those were the  Braces Years, the period when my mouth was full of metal hardware and my parentsā€™ checking account was shrinking.   Itā€™s tough being a 13- to 16-year-old — especially when your pearly whites are covered with stainless…

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Recommended Reading and Big Lessons re: What You Control

By Tom Ruwitch

Roughly once a year, I read  Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.   Frankl was a Holocaust survivor who later wrote about his experiences as a prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp.   The book is heavy stuff, yes. But itā€™s also full of huge lessons for business and life.   These are strange days. Many call them ā€œdark…

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How to Attract Attention – The Jesus Way

By Tom Ruwitch

Hereā€™s a parable about parablesā€¦  ā€¦with a lesson that can help you attract attention for your marketing messages and inspire people to act.   In the Bibleā€™s Gospel of Luke, someone asks Jesus, ā€œ…who is my neighbor?ā€   Jesus answers with the story of a ā€œcertain manā€ who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and ā€œfell among…

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Henry Ford Was Full of It & Why That Matters For Your Business

By Tom Ruwitch

A couple of days ago, I asked what you think of this Henry Ford quote: ā€œIf Iā€™d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ā€˜A faster horse!ā€™ā€ A bunch of subscribers told me Ford was a visionary who saw something his prospects did not. One told me: ā€œ…Ford wasnā€™t  concerned or focused with finding out what people wanted. He…

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For People Who Want to Write Better Headlines But Aren’t Sure How…

By Tom Ruwitch

Once upon a time, I tried to cook a batch of paella.   It didnā€™t go well.   The mussels were chewy. The chicken was dry. The rice was a sticky mess. So frustrating!  I fancy myself a decent cook. But decent doesnā€™t cut it when you strive to master a complicated dish.   Today, aspiring home chefs can…

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Read This If You Want to Write Copy That Readers Love

By Tom Ruwitch

Short and sweet today.   If you want to write emails that recipients are happy to openā€¦   …that they read from top-to-bottomā€¦   …that inspires them to actā€¦   Read this great article by copywriter Neville Medhora. 

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