Mindset – Inner Game


My Robot Knows This Pitch Sucked — Even if he Won’t Admit It…

By Tom Ruwitch

I got a pitch today from an agency, looking to book their client on my podcast, The Story Power Marketing Show.  The agent described her client as “a sales guru” who is “on a mission to make sure entrepreneurs and small business owners have access to growth hacking knowledge.”  Quite a mouthful, huh!?  When the pitch…

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How to Batten Down The Hatches as The Robots Arrive

By Tom Ruwitch

The robots are coming here! The robots are coming here! Sound the alarm! Batten down the hatches! (Whatever that means) Unless you’ve been in a cave, you’ve probably heard the news… There’s a new artificial intelligence copywriter in town called ChatGPT, and it’s got a bunch of people in a tizzy.  On a popular message board for copywriters, one…

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You won’t believe what this tour guide didn’t know…

By Tom Ruwitch

Did you hear the one about the tour guide in Frankfurt, Germany who can’t speak or read German?  This is no joke.  In September, “Michael_S,” gave this guide a 1-star review after hiring him for a private tour around the city.  From Michael’s review: “…this tour company has very poor standards for who qualifies as…

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Lessons Re: Stupid Social “Trends” And The Stupid People Who Report Them

By Tom Ruwitch

Ripped from the headlines: The Food and Drug Administration does not want you to cook chicken in NyQuil I repeat:  The FDA does NOT want you to cook chicken in the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can rest medicine.  In a “consumer update” on its website, the US government agency…

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Biz Tips Inspired by Batman, French Verbs, and The Quest for World Peace

By Tom Ruwitch

In case you missed the news yesterday: I’m hosting a complimentary content planning workshop… How to Generate a Constant Flow of Content Ideas — Without Suffering from Writer’s Block Tomorrow at 1 p.m. EDT, 12 p.m. CDT. If you want to attend, reply to this email with “give me the workshop details.” I’ll send you…

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Why Knowledge Alone Will Get You Nowhere

By Tom Ruwitch

Here’s the sad tale of a trivia master I knew back in college. His name was Noah Lott Doolittle.  When we played the game Trivial Pursuit, Noah always won.  What is the scientific name for a rabbit’s tail? Noah knew. (Scut) Before Hollywood, which New Jersey town was a center for the motion picture industry?…

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Leonardo DaVinci and I Share This Problem…

By Tom Ruwitch

A few months ago, I was working on a new version of a 60-minute storytelling presentation. I was tinkering and tweaking, adding and adjusting. I wanted to make it “just right,” and that was holding me back. My friend Susan, who was helping me with the presentation, had seen enough. Gently but firmly, she said,…

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I Curse the Friggin Water But I Ain’t Gonna Drown…

By Tom Ruwitch

When Melissa and I moved into a century-old house 25 years ago, my father-in-law offered this unsolicited advice: “It’s all about the water. If you control the water, everything will be OK.” I had no idea what he was talking about.  Now, I know.  Friggin water. I hate friggin water.  I wrote the other day…

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Dave Letterman Dissed Us, But We’re Not Gonna Take It

By Tom Ruwitch

A few days ago, I was watching David Letterman on the living room flat screen. He was interviewing the singer/songwriter Billie Eilish, and he said this: “I have seen your concerts…And the commanding power that emanates from you and the music is stunning. Do you remember the first time you recognized…” Dave paused for a…

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If This is Your Mindset, Get a Job at Amazon

By Tom Ruwitch

Every so often, I hear from a sad-sack marketer who plays the “easy for you to say” card… …as in “Write story-powered emails that captivate prospects? Easy for you to say, Tom. You’re a storytelling genius.” (Sigh!) I heard from someone yesterday who griped about my list-building advice.  In yesterday’s email, I encouraged you to…

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