Tom Ruwitch


This Tactic Will Land You in the “Thanks, But No Thanks” File

By Tom Ruwitch

My pal Harry forwarded to me a  how-not-to-do-it sales email he received the other day.  He called it “fertile material” for the emails I send.  He got that right.  The email Harry forwarded was from a design firm in Arizona that was fishing for business. The email came from Dave, the firm’s principal.  “Hi Harry,” Dave wrote.…

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The Story Behind One of the Greatest Ads Ever

By Tom Ruwitch

In 1925, John Caples was a rookie copywriter working on an ad for home-study piano courses. He drafted several headlines that he shared with his boss. Here are a few: “Can you play the piano? Neither could I three months ago?” “They laughed when I sat down at the piano. But when I started to…

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The Insanity of the Tactics-First Crowd

By Tom Ruwitch

A desperate marketer posted a sad-sack story last week on a public forum. He was trying to reach prospects in a niche market… …and he was getting ZERO response. Facebook Ads? No-go. LinkedIn messages? Zip? Search advertising? Nada. So he asked the internet for help… …and the internet responded with a bunch of INSANITY. First, I’ll…

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Understand This and Your Marketing Will Be Better

By Tom Ruwitch

I read something cool this morning. It comes from a book called Breakthrough Advertising, by Eugene Schwartz. He was one of the great direct response copywriters of the twentieth century. Breakthrough Advertising is a Bible for those who want to write copy that works. At the beginning of Chapter Seven, Schwartz writes… “…Advertising is the literature of…

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How a Nine-Word Story Sold Millions

By Tom Ruwitch

One of the great business stories of all time is also one of the shortest. Just nine words. Here it is: You can pay me now… …or pay me later. If you watched television in the 70s, you couldn’t miss those ads for Fram oil filters. The broken car. The expensive repair. The mechanic saying…

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This Magic Phrase Will Help You Attract More Leads

By Tom Ruwitch

I was planning to send a different message this morning… …until I read an email from one of my favorite marketing experts Dave Dee (check out his stuff here).  He offered a tip that is so good I had to postpone the other email so I could share the idea with you now. Here’s the tip: …

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I Reveal This Mistake So You Don’t Repeat It

By Tom Ruwitch

I got some great advice from a marketing expert last week after he read one of my emails. If you’ve read my emails lately, you’ve noticed that I offer a free Story Assessment. I’ll review your website, social media or any other channel where you tell your story. Then I’ll reveal ways to power up your…

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How the U.S. Grant Playbook Can Help Your Business

By Tom Ruwitch

Here’s a TV recommendation: Watch “Grant,” the new three-part documentary on the History Channel (here’s the trailer).  Ulysses S. Grant was a complicated man. Some historians have painted him as a drunk, a villain, a reckless general who got lucky, a corrupt politician. This documentary rewrites that history. It exposes some of the warts. But generally,…

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Top Marketers Say This is More Important Than Anything

By Tom Ruwitch

I recently heard this story about the great copywriter Gary Halbert… Near the end of his career he was quizzing a protege and said, “The best way to get a prospect’s attention is to appeal to their sense of ___________.” The protege replied, “Their sense of self-interest?” Halbert said, “No…their sense of curiosity.” That’s great…

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Why Sales “Hunters” Bag Fewer Long-Lasting Clients

By Tom Ruwitch

A few years back, I met with a prospect about a massive project. The meeting went well. I remember thinking as the meeting moved along, “I’m CRUSHING it.” Before I left, they committed to hire me. I returned to the office, shared the news with my team, and slapped high fives all around. “Way to…

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