Tom Ruwitch


🔑 The Key to Turn Social Followers Into Buyers

By Tom Ruwitch

Want to hear a mind-blowing stat about social media? The average engagement rate for an Instagram account is 0.6%. That means six people out of 1,000 engage with the content in some way. And what about those “influencers” who have cracked the code, built giant followings, and mastered this medium? Their average engagement rate is…

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“Remember… Communication is Never About…”

By Tom Ruwitch

I read a story yesterday about Bill Clinton and how he outplayed George Bush in a 1992 debate. During the debate, a woman asked the candidates how they would handle the economic crisis and how it affected lives. Bush answered with logic and opinions. Clinton answered with emotion… …which in this case meshed perfectly with…

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Egg-licking Nitwits Don’t Rake in The Rubles

By Tom Ruwitch

Ripped from the headlines in Russia: Eighteen unlucky souls came down with food poisoning after shopping at Zhiznmart grocery store in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Zhiznmart’s owner denied responsibility and offered 1 million rubles to anyone who could prove his products poisoned them. Enter hordes of nitwits, hoping to rake in the rubles. A few fortune-seekers resorted…

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You Won’t Believe What This Bride Did

By Tom Ruwitch

Melissa and I traveled to the mountains of northwestern Connecticut last weekend to attend a family wedding. My cousin Ali married her sweetheart Ricky. The weather was perfect. The ceremony was a tear-jerker. The food was delicious. The band rocked the house. But the one thing I’ll remember most is the personalized note that I…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.17

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Event  LinkedIn Masterclass Workshop My friend (and Story Power email subscriber Jon Keel) is a LinkedIn master who will host a free LinkedIn Masterclass Workshop on July 9-11. Three days, one hour per day (4-5 p.m.) to discover how to use LinkedIn to become the recognized authority in your marketplace, have people reach out…

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The Puffy Pope, AI, and You…

By Tom Ruwitch

The Pope is taking on AI. You know, Pope Francis. He’s the hip head of the Catholic Church. Last year, he hit the streets in a white puffer jacket (how hip is that?!?)… …or did he? Turns out the Puffy Pope photos were AI-generated fakes. Not real. But real concerning for those, like the Pope…

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Leonardo DaVinci and I Have This Problem in Common

By Tom Ruwitch

Better late than never. I finally finished writing the book called: Story Power MarketingProven Methods to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content – Without Getting Stuck I’ve been working on this book for a while… …a long while. Far too long, really. At one point, my publisher threatened to charge me an additional fee if I didn’t…

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When The World Gives You Toilet Paper…

By Tom Ruwitch

When I was a kid, vandals TP’d our yard. They tossed several rolls of toilet paper in the trees and stormed off into the night. The next morning, we woke to a maple, sweet gum, and two oaks draped in Charmin Ultra-Soft. My dad had a sh%t-fit. Artist’s rendering of Dad:  My brother and I…

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Enhance The Ordinary — with Yarn (and Stories)…

By Tom Ruwitch

Around 20 years, a fabric artist in Austin, TX wrapped a door handle in yarn… …and the rest — as they say in some knitting circles — is history. The artist is Magda Sayeg. After wrapping the door handle, the artist, Magda Sayeg, wrapped a stop sign post, a fire hydrant, and other urban objects.…

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RecomMONDAYtions ~ 2024.06.10

By Tom Ruwitch

Recommended Newsletter  Idea Surplus DisorderI subscribed earlier this year to “Idea Surplus Disorder” by Matt Homan after Matt and his team facilitated a strategic planning meeting for a nonprofit I serve in St. Louis. Matt is a smart and creative business leader. I love his newsletter which is “a weekly dose of innovation, ideation, and…

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