Tom Ruwitch


Podcasting Roundabout (Citing Adam K)

By Tom Ruwitch

My pal Adam Kreitman sent me (and everyone else on his list) a great email today that compared the current frenzy over podcasting to the California Gold Rush. Here’s some of what Adam wrote: “There were a few lucky folks who struck it rich mining for gold. However, the people who really made money during the Gold…

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Which Material For Tote Bags

By Tom Ruwitch

I had a good laugh today while reading an online discussion board for marketers. A puzzled marketer asked the community to weigh in on the best material for tote bags she and her husband would distribute at a trade show. She was leaning toward polypropylene (“feels like soft cloth” and “the cheapest way to go.”)…

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Unsolicited Political Text

By Tom Ruwitch

Yesterday I received an unsolicited text message from someone pitching a local political candidate. I’m not sharing this story to publicly shame anyone. I’m sharing it because there’s a business and life lesson here. So I’ll change the names to protect the guilty. The text said, “Hi Thomas,” (that was the first clue this was…

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Is Marketing A Bad Word

By Tom Ruwitch

Last week, my twin children turned 22. I’m still Dad, but my hardest parenting work is behind me (I think/hope). That got me thinking about parenting lessons learned. Here’s a big one: When the kid does something bad, that doesn’t mean the kid is a bad person. As parents, we need to help our kids…

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CBS Sword Swallower

By Tom Ruwitch

During a new show broadcast after the Super Bowl on Sunday, CBS television wanted us to believe that a talent-show performer died in a tragic sword swallowing accident. The idea was to create high drama. Keep us viewers glued to the tube. I said, “To hell with this,” and I’ll never watch this rotten show…

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Global Warming Faulty Logic

By Tom Ruwitch

Here in St. Louis, MO it’s cold today. Really cold. It’s also cold in Washington, D.C. where President Trump tweeted this yesterday: “In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell…

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Capture a Prospect’s Imagination

By Tom Ruwitch

My friend Richard Terry asked me to help him with some marketing copy. He’d heard one of my presentations recently, and he thought he might benefit from my expertise. We met earlier today, and here’s what I told him… …Richard, you don’t need my help. I was honored he asked. I welcome new business. I…

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Lessons from a cringe-worthy toilet mishap

By Tom Ruwitch

My pal Adam Kreitman and I both write story-driven emails with marketing lessons. Occasionally, we challenge one another by sharing a story that might be a bit strange or saucy or…whatever… and then daring the other to turn it into a meaningful email.  Adam dropped one of those challenges on me yesterday. His text message…

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Car Dealership Marketing Guy

By Tom Ruwitch

It’s only January 2, and I just read some marketing wisdom that will make my “Best of 2019” list in 12 months. A marketing guy at an auto dealership posted to an online marketing forum this question: “What would you suggest I do to get everyone to understand why we use social media?” The salespeople…

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Kotex Classic

By Tom Ruwitch

One of Saturday Night Live’s most popular advertising parodies almost didn’t make it on the air. The fake ad was for “Kotex Classic” — feminine pads described as “the original” and “your mother’s pad.” Some historical context…for the men in the audience or those women too young to remember: Sanitary pads were much bulkier back…

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