Tom Ruwitch
If this marketing thing doesn’t work out for me, I know what I can do when I grow up. I can be a… …Villain-for-Hire! I got the idea from a guy in Malaysia named Shazali Sulaiman who launched his villain-for-hire biz earlier this month. It works like this. You pay Shazali $22 (weekdays) or $33…
Read MoreI’ve been in the marketing business for about a quarter-century… …and have witnessed a thing or 10 along the way. For 19 years, I ran an email marketing software company and agency. I witnessed this: Many business leaders struggle to craft MESSAGES that click with their market, attract quality leads, and generate sales. I founded…
Read MoreYesterday in the Content Transformation Academy, VIP members and I discussed the marketing power of winner-loser stories. A simple, proven story formula: One winner. One loser. One valuable lesson. David and Goliath (Intelligence and strategy can defeat brute force). The Tortoise and The Hare (slow and steady wins the race). Harry Potter and Voldemort (choose…
Read MoreWow! What a morning. I rolled out of bed. Woke up my crazy-doodle, Moose. And strolled with him into the kitchen. There sat “B-9(?),” my GPT-powered robot, sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on his double espresso, brooding. Here’s the conversation that followed: Me: Good morning, B-9(?)” What’s wrong? B-9(?): Just another day in paradise……
Read MorePodcast (The Story Power Marketing Show) 📡 Quiz Your Way to Business Growth (with Maxwell Nee)In this episode of the Story Power Marketing Show, I discuss the advantages of quiz marketing with Maxwell Nee, Chief Revenue Officer of ScoreApp. With over 6,800 paying clients, ScoreApp helps businesses use quizzes to engage prospects, gather valuable data, and…
Read MoreA very short story about the power of stories: Once upon a time, a business professor at Stanford University asked his students to give one-minute speeches with three statistics and one story. After passing some time following the speeches, the professor quizzed his students on what they heard. Only five percent remembered a single statistic.…
Read MoreI want to make it as easy as possible for you to reserve your seat for tomorrow’s Mastermind Book Club meeting… …where I’ll be the featured guest author… …discussing my book, Story Power Marketing. Just click the button below, and you’ll automatically save your seat, get the Zoom link, and become a Club member. No admission…
Read MoreHere’s a question I spotted on Reddit this morning: “Which social media platform should be first priority for a business to promote their products? For a client with a small business and a limited budget, what is the platform you would recommend and why?” I hear that question (or ones like it) all the time.…
Read MoreRecommended Events 💡 The NEW Way to Make More Money Without Chasing Leads We’re on the verge of a “customer loyalty crisis,” and Vance Morris knows how you can fix this. On Thursday, he’ll host a 47-minute free training to reveal how to cultivate fiercely loyal customers who are willing to pay premium prices. Vance is…
Read MoreYou’re invited to this… 🥳 Next Thursday, the Mastermind Book Club will have a special guest author… …of a best-selling, must-read business book… …live in the Zoom room to discuss his work and answer questions. That author is…🥁… ✨ ME ✨ The book is… STORY POWER MARKETINGProven Methods to Create Client-Attracting, Profit-Generating Content—Without Getting Stuck The…
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