Hi. I'm Tom Ruwitch. Some people call me a "storytelling genius(*)." That may be true, but anyone (including you) can be a client-attracting, storytelling genius, too.


...content from boring to brilliant...

...creation from frustrating to fun...

...results from pitiful to profitable.

YOU can harness the power of storytelling to captivate prospects and inspire them to buy.

I'll reveal how.

The best way to start: Sign up for my emails...

(*) People who have said I'm a storytelling genius: Kara G. (a client), Shawn P. (another client), Ann R. (my mom), and 5 others.

Tom Ruwitch

Why do so many bright business people wake up with me in the morning?

(Hint: My emails are "much better than the usual marketing BS out there." - Aleasha Bahr)

Grab a cup of coffee. Pour yourself a bowl of Rice Krispies. Crack open your laptop. And I'll join you for a minute or two most mornings...

...if you opt-in to get my daily(ish) emails.

Talk about a great way to start your day!

I know. You get lots of emails. And if you're like me, you think most of the emails you get are more of the same -- "the usual marketing BS," a bunch of boring "blah, blah, blah."

But my emails are different. Mine are entertaining. Informative. Funny. Story-powered. 

That's why Vance Morris (the galaxy's leading expert on how to Disnify your business to wow clients) says my emails are among just three that he reads consistently.

Vance says,

"The content is THAT good."

And here's the thing that Vance and other top business leaders also know: Great content is not just about being entertained. It's about being educated. It's about getting actionable advice to move your business forward.

That's why Vance says,

"If you want to get your story out in a clear and concise manner, Tom Ruwitch is the guy you need to talk with." 

You see, my emails will help you...

...Transform YOUR content from "BLAH" to "AH-HA," from prospect-repelling to client-attracting. 

"AH," as in, "Ah, that's an interesting insight.

And "HA," as in, "Ha! that's funny and entertaining."

You see, I'm not writing these things just to entertain you, although that they will.

I'm writing these emails to inform you, to help you, to guide you. 

That's why business coach Gary Wilkin calls my emails,

"...a free course in storytelling, content-creation, and effective email practices."

And coach/firestarter Dixie Gillaspie says my emails help her create emails and posts that...

"...consistently and predictably move the needle in drawing in" ideal clients. 

And that's really the point, isn't it?

Attract ideal clients. Engage them with brilliant, "ah-ha" content. Inspire them to act.

So know you know why so many people wake up to my emails every day.

Ohhh...one last thing.

YOU can do this.

Yes, my emails are darn good. And yes, my subscribers love them.

But it's important that you know...

...I'm not an email unicorn.

Sure, some say I'm a "storytelling genius."

But you can be a storytelling genius, too.

We all have the ability to create compelling, client-attracting content. That includes YOU.

It's not magic. You don't need to summon a muse.

You just need systems and habits to help you tap the creative well within you.

I can teach you the systems. I can help you develop the habits.

I've been there, done that.

I've already transformed my content from boring to brilliant.

I've already transformed my content creation process from frustrating to fun.

I create profitable content. I can show you how.

Sign up for my emails to get a taste of my content...

...and begin the journey to transform yours.

They balked when I said I send daily(ish) emails, but then they read a few...

Join the delighted masses who love receiving Tom's emails

"Anyone who says sending daily emails is overkill does not subscribe to Tom Ruwitch's Story Power. Tom proves that if you have something worth saying -- with an engaging style and keeping your story powerful -- daily may not even be enough. 😊 Tom is a storytelling savant. He is also teaching me (and many others) the most effective ways we can email more frequently with a clear objective. I currently only email twice a week...but I am following his lead by being his devoted student to mail more with conviction. I encourage you to opt in to his online family here... and wake up to a dose of Tom's power every day."

Brian Kurtz

Brian Kurtz

Titans Marketing, and author of Overdeliver: Build a Business for a Lifetime Playing the Long Game in Direct Response Marketing and The Advertising Solution -- and an aspiring daily emailer 🙂

"Brilliant... Your stories are very good... You have a solid, simple style that works for you and you stick to it. I respect that." 


Daniel Throssell

"Australia's Best Copywriter"

"I don't subscribe to as many email lists as I did in the past. But one list that I'm on, and read religiously, is Tom Ruwitch's. When you read Tom's emails you become addicted to his content. He's a master storyteller." 

Marc Mawhinney

Marc Mawhinney

Coach for Coaches, Podcast Host

"The emails that I get from Tom are one of like three that I read on a consistent basis. The content is THAT good. If you want to get your story out in a clear and concise manner, Tom Ruwitch is the guy you need to talk with. He practices what he preaches."

Vance Morris

Vance Morris

Disney Experience Strategist

"Tom's emails not only deliver nuggets of wisdom he's gained over the course of a very successful career in marketing, but the stories make me laugh, grimace and smile. I know the advice he is giving me is good because I can see first hand that it works."

Brooke Bascom

Brooke Bascom

Business Consultant

"I subscribe to a lot of email lists. I count Tom's emails among my favorites. Always entertaining. Always informative. Always original. Tom is the real deal; his authenticity shows through."

Jon Keel

Jon Keel

Business Revenue Maximizatiion Specialist

"When you originally told me how often you were going to send me emails, I was automatically like, 'Oh, no, no, no. This is not going to work for me.' And then I started seeing them come in. I actually had a folder that they would go into, and I think, 'Oh, man, that's a lot of emails.' But then I started reading them and I was like, "Oh my gosh, these are fantastic." So now I'm one of those converts. I can't wait to get my email from you. It starts off my day just great"

Nancee Johnson

Nancee Johnson

Digital Marketing Coach & Strategist

"I've studied story all my life. But you have really helped me turn my love of story into emails, posts, and articles that consistently and predictably move the needle in drawing in the exact kind of client I most desire to serve."

Dixie Gillaspie

Dixie Gillaspie

Coach, Consultant, Firestarter

"Your emails are educational and entertaining. You tell great stories that I remember. Your subject lines grab my attention and are related to your email content. You are a rare breed." 

Ted Prodromou

Ted Prodromou

America's Leading LinkedIn Coach

"Tom's emails are always short, punchy, entertaining and insightful. Primarily because he practices what he preaches and tells delightful (and often relatable) stories that get important lessons across in a way that sticks much better than the usual marketing BS out there."

Aleahsa Bahr

Aleasha Bahr

Custom Sales Strategist

"In a world of noise that is overcrowded with people trying to teach and sell you things, I have found one storyteller whose emails I simply cannot put down. And here's why...Tom Ruwitch produces content I care about that has three elements: humor, head and heart. And he always teaches me something I can actually use in my life immediately. I would highly recommend that Tom's emails be something that you subscribe to and pin at the top of your inbox." 


Dr. Pele Raymond

Founder / CEO Profitable Happiness International

"I look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox. The stories are always interesting, entertaining, and informative."

Linda Goldstein

Linda Goldstein

Vistage Chair & Leadership Coach

"Tom's emails are filled with super-juicy stories that are memorable and help me become a better storyteller and marketer. I don't read many emails, but I rarely miss one from Tom." 

Michael DeLon

Michael DeLon

Marketing Strategist & Book Publisher

"Every time I read one of Tom Ruwitch’s emails, the pay-off is well worth it. I can’t help opening them, since his subject lines are so curiosity-provoking. And then there’s a great story and useful takeaway waiting inside… which is what Tom can teach you to do, too, when you get on his list. Highly recommended reading!"


Kim Krause Schwalm

A-List Copywriter and Copy Mentor

"When it comes to storytelling, content creation, and marketing strategy, Tom Ruwitch is one of the best in the business! Not only does he really know his stuff, but he practices what he preaches....His informative and entertaining newsletters are among the few I receive that I actually look forward to reading from start to finish every time. And, to top it off, he's a super-nice guy and an absolute pleasure to work with. And that's the story."


Todd Cherches

CEO, Leadership & Executive Coach at BigBlueGumball

"Tom - I love your emails. I didn't think I wanted daily emails but I actually look forward to yours. I usually unsubscribe from people who send too many. Thinking about this a little deeper, for some people, too many might be only once a month because they are terrible emails that I don't want to read. You have me thinking a little differently about my marketing. Thank you."

Kimberly Lebbing

Kimberly Lebbing

Success and Mindset Expert

"I'm no stranger to story-based email campaigns... in fact, I use them every day in my own business. However, each time I read one of Tom's emails, I'm blown away by how consistently engaging his stories are, and how easy they are to read. If you want to uplevel your storytelling skills, you gotta be on Tom's list!"

Photo of Csaba

Csaba Borzási

Founder, Game of Conversions

"My eyes light up when I see the sender 'Tom Ruwitch' pop up in my inbox. Why? Because I know stories, humor, and value are in store and worth the time to read, and sometimes re-read. They also serve as motivation to reflect on the content and emails I'm creating. Basically Tom's emails are a free course in storytelling, content-creation, and effective email practices."


Gary Wilkin

Executive and Life Coach

"I’ve been receiving and reading Tom’s emails for over a year now and have never been disappointed. The fresh, relevant and quirky content he delivers both entertains and educates. Let’s face it - life is crazy busy. I personally don’t have time for fluff, and am very picky about 'whom' I let into my inbox. Suffice it to say, Tom now has his own key."


Kara Gamber

Design and Marketing Strategist

"I get lots of emails. But Tom's is one of the few I open and read the minute I receive it! It's always entertaining. And I always learn something." 


Neal Albritton

Lead Advisor and Joy Bringer, Albritton Financial Services

"Whatever Tom writes, I know I will be awed both by his message and the way he makes his point. At heart, Tom is a storyteller so you know you will be entertained, surprised, and you will go away with important information you can use to market yourself."

Dr. Doreen Downing

Dr. Doreen Downing

Psychologist and Founder of Essential Speaking

"Tom's no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is style is very refreshing and easy to read. Truth be told, every email is a lesson in storytelling and provides real world actionable lessons and advice. I look forward to reading Tom's emails because I feel like I get to know Tom a little bit better.  With each email as he shares personal and relevant tid-bits in an entertaining and interesting way."


Shawn Perkins

Mortgage and Financial Strategist

"Tom's a deep thinker who provides keen insights and unique perspectives that I genuinely value and appreciate. He always makes me think (in a good way). He's a straight shooter. And he's always good for a funny and/or entertaining story. All this is exactly what you'll get with his daily-ish emails. Sign up. You'll be glad you did."

Adam Kreitman

Adam Kreitman

Marketing Advocate for Small Businesses

"Tom, I read your emails because they are both entertaining and informative. I usually learn something new, and these generally bring a smile to my face."

Ray Scott

Ray Scott

Business Consultant

"You are a storytelling genius, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your mother."

Ann Ruwitch - Tom's Mom

Ann Ruwitch

Tom's Mom